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Not eating her veggies


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Hi All:


I give Ash fresh veggies/fruits/pasta/breads twice a day... but she's gotten into the habit of picking out what she likes (the sweet fruits). Any thoughts of what I can do? Should I just stop giving her the stuff she likes so she'll have no choice to but to eat the veggies?

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Rexxy has been pulling this lately too. So I started doing the hiding in other food tricks. Cooking them in eggs, mashed potatoes, corn bread, waffles, pancakes. He loves his beans so I give him a lot of variety of those but he is not a big fruit eater.


As everyone says...keep giving it to them and one day they will eat it. ;)

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Take the fruit out of the mixture. Most will go for fruit amongst anything else. It is sweet and they love it. Really only try to give a small quantity of fruit 2 or 3 times a week.


With the fruit missing from the mixture, the veggies and other items well get eat when she is hungry.

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I have the same problem with veggies. The only one I can get her to eat is sweet potatoes and the vet said to limit those to 2-3 times a week. I have tried putting broccoli in other things like scrambled eggs but she manages to eat around it.


Others have suggested giving them the veggies in the morning but that does not work for me because of my schedule. I am open to suggestions also.

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Greys and even other parrot species are finicky when new foods are introduced.


The only thing you can do, is keep offering the veggies and sooner or later they will start picking at them and eating them.


Things to do are offering them raw and cooked. Some will eat cooked veggies more readily than raw. Offer many different types ands see what they like and don't. The texture and taste of each veggie is different and may just not accepted by your Grey.


They may like one type of squash and not another. Some may like pumpkin cut up raw, others cooked. Some may like green beans, others not.


But. sometimes it just takes offering a mixture of some of these items over and over, before they will start eating any of them. Just don't give up. I know it seems like a waste and it is.


Another thing to do, is offer veggies in the morning when they are hungry and do not have any pellets, seeds or nuts available at all.


Also, eat veggies with in front of them and they will just want to try it because they see their flock member and loved companion eating it.


But, in the long run it pays off. :-)

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