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One Crazy Birdie


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Hi there everyone!


Well, I came home from work today and Bella decided she was going to be one crazy bird. I tried filming a bit of it as she had me in stiches. Sometimes its a little hard to film her because she moves so fast and the camera can't keep up. But I think I was able to get a couple of things. Its a nice way to end the work day! If you've got a psycho birdie, do share! I love these bird videos :)



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:laugh: Acappella! We try to keep her modest,but she manages to make herself front and center at all times :woohoo: This evening she tried to get into the dog's bowl and steal some dog food. I told her "No! go! shhhhht!". Well, when I put Dream's food down and Dream started to eat Bella ran to the edge of the counter and yelled at Dream "No!!! Go!!!! Shsssst!!!!" :laugh:

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:) thank you Dave - oh, speaking of dogs - we've got this dinner ritual in the living room where Bella and I eat from my tray and she usually takes food to the edge of the coffee table and drops pieces on to the floor. The dogs in turn do the clean up.


Well, today the dogs got a little eager to get on with it because Bella was dilly dallying around with the food and they starte to pick the scraps off the table. Bella flew up and then landed first on Doc's back and then hopped over to Dream's! Both of the greyhounds ran off as if the devil himself were after them! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Of course Bella felt supremely empowered! You could just tell by the way she strutted up and down the table as if she owned it! :laugh:

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Oh my Judy - yes, I forgot - what she sees is hers :laugh:


Glad you enjoyed Dan :) Bella and hounds that is :) I'm so lucky that greyhounds are naturally calm and docile. What they put up with from Bella and Jiggy just goes beyond what any hound should have to put up with! If Bella manages to miss that Jiggy is on the couch (she always chases him off the couch) Jiggy will chase Doc the couch and Doc takes off!


Poor Doc also likes to sleep on his back with all four paws up in the air. One day as he was dreaming Bella was watching his hind paws twitch. I thought she was just watching but before I knew it she nipped him in the paw :ohmy: Poor guy jumped up yelping and ran off - and Bella, well she ran around on the couch mimicing his yelp! Talk about adding insult to injury!

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Thank you all for the compliments - and thank you for letting me share my lovely little feather child with you. It's very special to interact with a community like this where the members can really understand how special these wonderful beings are. I think they are all stars!!! :)

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Char wrote:

Here is what I think.. I think Bella is sometimes looking at you and thinking "psycho woman, psycho woman".:laugh: :laugh: Just kidding. I think Bella is great.


:woohoo: :blush: :woohoo: Char!!! I think you're on to something!! Maybe that's why she starts acting crazy too! We're all nuts around here! :)

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Nychsa wrote:

Char wrote:
Here is what I think.. I think Bella is sometimes looking at you and thinking "psycho woman, psycho woman".:laugh: :laugh: Just kidding. I think Bella is great.


:woohoo: :blush: :woohoo: Char!!! I think you're on to something!! Maybe that's why she starts acting crazy too! We're all nuts around here! :)


Well you have to admit from watching the video that Terri was acting crazy first. I sometimes try to look at things from their perspective and what they must think of us sometimes.


For example when I am trying to get Whisper to play a game she looks at me like I have lost my mind. "You want me to do WHAT?":woohoo:

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Nychsa wrote:

Char wrote:
Here is what I think.. I think Bella is sometimes looking at you and thinking "psycho woman, psycho woman".:laugh: :laugh: Just kidding. I think Bella is great.


:woohoo: :blush: :woohoo: Char!!! I think you're on to something!! Maybe that's why she starts acting crazy too! We're all nuts around here! :)


Well you have to admit from watching the video that Terri was acting crazy first. I sometimes try to look at things from their perspective and what they must think of us sometimes.


For example when I am trying to get Whisper to play a game she looks at me like I have lost my mind. "You want me to do WHAT?":woohoo:

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PekingeseMama wrote:

LOVE your grey's name, Bella is my daughter's name, too!:laugh:


:) I was going to name her Tashi initially, but the more I looked at her when I was visiting her at the breeder's, the more I kept thinking how beautiful she is. So, I thought she should either be named Beauty, or Bella, Italian for Beauty :)

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Thanks FairY! Even though she's a little roughian at times, she's always had this "girlie" look about her. When she was at the breeders, her feathers would always be nice, and groomed, and she would prance around like a little princess. Her brothers usually had their feathers sticking up on their heads, or looked discombobulated at times, often just sitting around squaking for no apparent reason - Bella though was always on some mission! LOL!

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