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Going to be getting Mr Congo soon!


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yeah I'm not shipping birds or anything, even found a pair in Africa that someone wants to ship lmao! If they are close enough to visit then I will and base my decision on that (not sure where thy are since I asked a LOT of people and I can't remember but i did ask them in the reply email)

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If you are close enough I would certainly check it out. With the economy and all they may just need to sell them quickly. See if they will abide by a return if a baby grey does not get an A-OK from an Avian Vet, in writing. At that price you can easily go to a vet; and who would object if they believe their birds are healthy?

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ohh no just read your blog...sorry to here mr congos sold :( well you know what they say.....if it dont work out it wasnt ment for you. so maybe your gonna find a better one for you, maybe one that aint a rescue and is more social. keep in touch and let me know when you get one!

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Well that one I found that was super cheap also ended up being in AFRICA! so I found 2 scams in one day, oh my! This one was clearly a scam from the broken english, the other one at least sounded legit but I would never ever ship a bird.


so I got in touch with a few bird stores in CA and found one in LA! they have a one yr old Congo that was bought from their store and the client had some familty problems and brought the bird back! Not sure the sex, but the congo is 800 which is a much more realistic price.


I'm not losing my chance this time and will see about putting some sort of deposit down tomorrow and then driving up to see it on friday. I am 90% sure I will go through with it. yay! :woohoo: :silly:

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hmm well they said that the reason the bird was given back to them was because it didn't like traveling... it was in a comfortable carrier (not sure what kind) and they traveled frequently from LA to vegas. I'm not sure on the details, but I will still visit the bird on friday and ask mroe specific questions and actually meet it.


It could be that the bird doesn't like to travel or maybe it was the car ride with this family... there could have been screaming kids or maybe the bird just didn't like the family who knows. I'll be sure to make sure this is the right one before making this expensive commitment. My bird has to be willing to travel every now and then to my parent's house (3 hours away)

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Well, I decided that since I couldn't find a good Congo anywhere and if I did I might end up with the wrong one since it would be an impulse buy. I decided to look at the other birds that http://www.omarsexoticbirds.com/ had for sale and settled on an 8mo old Severe Macaw that is a real sweetie! I named him Petrie like in the Land Before Time movie. He said hello to me in the clearest voice! He loves to play!


Petrie is an awesome bird and I am happy. I will be looking for a Congo as my second bird when I can actually afford the whole bird without help from Bank O'Dad.... lmao<br><br>Post edited by: MrCongo, at: 2009/03/03 22:19

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Well Jacqueline, congratulations on your beautiful severe macaw, Petrie. I'm sorry you couldn't find the right grey at this time. It is not required that you own a grey to be member here, just that you love greys. I hope you do eventually find your Mr. Congo. There is a forum room here called Other birds where one can post pictures and information about other birds that members have. Many of our members have several kinds of birds in their flock and I love to see and read about all the beautiful birds that are owned by the forum family. I can't wait to hear more about Petrie.

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yup, I will come here often since most tips on greys apply to other parrots as well and I will get a grey eventually since they are incredible.


I will post more in that section when I start getting more pictures and fun stories!:silly:

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awwww petrie is sooooo cute. glad to see you didnt get a grey that would of been problems in the future just to get a grey. i love all parots and thats cool how he said hello to you already. enjoy your new baby and congrats on the new member of your family.

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thanks guys! B) I take him home on saturday and by next week I'm sure I will have more pictures and stories and maybe questions too.


This is a great site! thanks for all your help! I'll be back!


Jacqueline :silly:

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I have a question and not sure where to post it....


How do I install the seed catchers that the cage came with? It doesn't make any sense. There were no clear instructions, just a poor "exploded view" of the cage without even the name of the company! There are 2 holes on each end and a bunch of small nuts and screws that I guess go there since there isn't anything left on the cage to put on. BUT.... when I screw in the holes similar to the picture, I can only get 3 and it makes a triangle NOT a square. I don't get it. maybe I am doing it wrong? Can someone help me? pictures would help.


I wanna get it done before I take Petrie home if possible. I don't want to scare him putting it on.<br><br>Post edited by: MrCongo, at: 2009/03/04 20:03

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the cage sounds how ours was

its very simple find the 1 thats the same lenght as the cage front and then the 2 side pieces screw them together and lift into place on the cage

then put the back piece up and in place with the sides and front and screw it up tight thats it

it took me 2 days to work out how they worked but there on now and doing the job

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