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Going to be getting Mr Congo soon!


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He will be my first birdie! He is a rescue bird and is about 5-7 years old. He was a breeder and his mate died, I will be the second owner. I believe he was treated very well with the breeder and at the store, but he is scared and really shy right now. I can tell he is really smart. When I talk to him he is very much listening. He went up on my arm a few times now and even up on my shoulder to take my glasses off! haha! But he is biting when he wants to be left alone, I think because he is so scared. I think when he gets to a new place and is more relaxed he will not bite and be a good bird. I am naming him Mr. Congo because he looks like a very serious bird and needs a very serious name!


I do realize he will be quite a challenge but I am ready for it. I would really like to help him live a good life.


soo... about me lol.. I am 24 years old (soon to be 25 in April) and love to ride motorcycles. I currently own a 07 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R. I have my Private Pilot's License. I am also an ex-synchronized swimmer so I can never drown haha. And I am a GIS Analyst, so in other words.. I make maps! I live in Yuma, AZ and will be buying Mr. Congo from http://www.omarsexoticbirds.com/ in Lake Forest, CA, the same place my mom got her baby Amazon from.

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How wonderful that you have chosen to give Mr. Congo a forever home. I know you will not be disappointed, greys are such marvelous characters. As a person who has never learned to swim, I envy anyone who can. We would love to see more pictures of Mr. Congo, what a great name, when you finally get him home.

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Hello MrCongo and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Mr Congo.


Yes you will have your hands full with this grey, since he is an older bird that was a breeder he will take a lot of time and work on your part to make him a pet again. I hope you possess a lot of patience for you are going to need it.


Since he is biting some I would not allow him to sit on your shoulder at least for now and especially since this is your first parrot. You need to allow him to settle in and get comfortable in his new home before you can begin to form a bond with him. You need to observe him a lot to determine his body language so you can predict a bite is coming and avoid it.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


When you get the chance to take some pictures of him please share some with us as we would love to see him.

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judygram wrote:

Yes you will have your hands full with this grey, since he is an older bird that was a breeder he will take a lot of time and work on your part to make him a pet again. I hope you possess a lot of patience for you are going to need it.


Since he is biting some I would not allow him to sit on your shoulder at least for now and especially since this is your first parrot. You need to allow him to settle in and get comfortable in his new home before you can begin to form a bond with him. You need to observe him a lot to determine his body language so you can predict a bite is coming and avoid it.


Thanks. Yeah I know he's going to be a handful. I have a lot of patience! I was not prepared for him to get on my shoulder either but I had my mom behind me ready to get him if he did bite and once he grabbed the glasses I got him off. I just thought it was pretty awesome that he did that right away.


I can tell when he starts getting scared or wanting to bite. His head feathers raise and he scoots away and then he whistles haha. Definitely the wrong kind of whistle to tell me to go away tho! haha

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Hello and welcome to the forum!

I am so pleased you have given MrCongo another chance in life, I hope things will work out for you, keep us updated.


You share the same passion as my husband as well, BIKES!

I think you have the same bike, here is a picture of my Daughter on his beloved Ninja!


Enjoy the forum:)



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:( well that guy got sold this morning. sigh. There is a Timneh that I just emailed. Hopefully that one is still available. The people that had the congo are trying to get me to buy their Macaw, which is a cool bird and a great companion, but too much money and not as convenient to take trips with.


I'm sad. I was so set on Mr Congo and I even rearranged my apt to accommodate him. :(

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