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Who can help me trace a leg band


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Hi I finally got Art home this weekend. I was able to take a look at his leg band. As I mentioned before, I thought he may have been wild caught. It is an open ring band with the following initials on it. FLI 068 From what I could gather was that at one point in time, he came through a port in Florida - could be Miami or Key West. I tried calling the USDA, but they were no help at all.


Is there anyway I can find out more about him through this number? It just doesn't seem possible that he is only 4 years of age. I believe that he is much older than that.


Also, he is just awesome. In just 2 short days I have come to the conclusion that he is not at all agressive or cage agressive, only afraid of hands coming towards him. I was told he can only be handled with a towel. I have not used it. Instead I let him step up on a ladder and when I put him in my lap, he talks and I can pet him etc. I can even pick him up off the floor with my hands. The only thing I cannot do is get him to step up on my hand. He is terrified of hands coming towards him and will try to bite, but they are not hard bites that break the skin, just warning pecks and so it will just take some time for him to trust. I did notice that if I approach with my hand from his foot level, he accepts it more than when I approach with my hand at his eye/head level.

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Welcome home Art and I wouldn't worry too much about how old he is, he is an awesome grey as you said and just enjoy him for he seems to have come quite a ways in just a few days time.


Something in his past has made him afraid of hands and it might take a long time but I think he will overcome it for the most part, continue to do what you are doing as it seems to be working in your case.


We would love to see some pictures of Art if you can manage to get some for us.

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Here is a copy/paste of a statement on USDA website regarding leg-bands:


"If your bird has a leg band with three letters (the first one being F, C, O, M, I, L, or N), followed by three numbers, it was undoubtedly imported into one of the above listed States prior to 1992. "


If they had the records of him still, you would need to contact them for any information.


He actually sounds like a very well behaved bird other than just the step up. From what you describe, getting him to step up will not be a real big deal. I can not believe they were toweling him previously when he obviously will readily step up on to a ladder or probably a perch as well.


Here is the link to the USDA page I referenced:



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Hey, I got a lead!!!!!! One of the few parrot yahoo groups I'm a member of told me about another Yahoo group called LegBandNumbers. The wonderful lady who manages the list helps people trace their birds. She got me my breeders name and email address. I will write to them today. Wish me luck!!




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Well good for you Renate on finding out the breeders name and email address, gosh I didn't know there was such a group, nice to know for the other members here who might want or need the information.


I wish you much luck and hope you hear from them and find out what you need to know.

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  • 6 months later...

There are different ways to track down leg band information although it may be difficult but tracking down an open band ID # is next to impossible because they're used for multiple reasons both legal and illegal and the info on an open band doesn't have to be truthful.

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An open leg band is a split ring that is compressed closed (the ends meet) around the bird's legs.


Compared to a closed band, which must be put on during a short window around 3 weeks of age when the leg/foot is small enough to slip on a closed band, open bands can be put on at any time during a bird's lifetime.


Since a closed band must be put on while the bird is young, it is a relatively good indicator that the bird was from a domestic clutch.


An open band that indicates the bird was imported through one of the quarantine stations doesn't provide any import information other than the station and sequence number. That information 'may' be tied to an importer, but likely not.

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