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My husband came into possession of a beautiful African Grey. He has decided to sell it, but we need advice on what we need to do before putting it up for sale. Should we take it to an avian vet first? The bird has a tagged foot, which the previous owner says signifies that he has been sexed. Can an avian vet tell us the bird's age? The previous owner says that he is six years old, but we'd want to provide some sort of definite opion of the bird's age. How do arrive at an asking price? We, of course, would be interested in only finding the best home for the bird as possible.

Your answers would be greatly appreciated.




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I think that there is a way to look up the tag and find out some history of the bird only what has been documented by the vet. I could be wrong though I recently changed vets and I think he may have looked it up when I first took her there I will be going back soon so I can ask and re post. But it does have the birth year on it.


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I believe you are right, Rome68, it has the year but not the sex.

As far as price it varies by region but I wouldn't take any less than $900 for it and I would check out thoroughly whomever wants it to make sure it gets a good and loving home. :)

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Guest Monique

Band can sometimes be tracked to breeder and they probably have hatch date records. I've never heard of sex being tracked on a band. Many breeders do not DNA unless requested by the purchaser and bands have to be put on very close to birth before the birds feet grow. I know no definite way to tell age. When they are VERY young their eyes are dark and then lighten up - but they're the light yellow by age of 2. I would take the bird to an avian vet before selling it. Is it a TAG or CAG? TAGs generally sell for a little less than CAGs. Also, what are the birds habits? I would say if it is talking, very hand tame, on a good diet, and gets a clean bill of health that you should be able to sell it for $600-1200 (depending your area, the answers to the above questions, and TAG or CAG), assuming you're selling the bird with toys and cage, etc. How did you end up getting a bird that you are reselling such as this?

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On another grey forum one of the members knows of someone who has a grey that was attacked by their dog and it tore off one of its wings. Now they don't want the bird anymore, she didn't say why, and want to give it away and this member is thinking of adopting it. How sad that they were careless and the bird was mained but now they don't want it probably because it is not perfect anymore. I don't think the bird is but a little over 1 year of age. How frightening for the grey to have to go thru that. My heart goes out to that bird.:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

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I want to preface this with a big thanks to all who answered. I really felt hesitant asking about selling the bird, as I know people who own CAGs are passionate about their birds, and here I am, knowing nothing about the bird AND wondering how to SELL it. I truly can understand that this could sound very shallow on my part.


Thanks to all with your info. I will check out the tag and search for an avian vet before we sell him. He's really beautiful, but I know that my husband and I cannot give him the home he deserves, and after all, isn't that the really important thing - that he be with owners who know how to care for him properly and have a place for him in their lives?


To the guy who wondered how we came into possesion of Ike, it's quite a bizarre story. My husband traded 30 crawfish traps (we live in Louisiana), for him. I now that sounds really bad on the part of the previous owner, but the guy's dad is very ill and that was the person who took care of Ike. So, he didn't have the strength or enery to care for him properly.


I just hope we can find a good home for him. The money is not that much an issue. We didn't "invest" in him as a "money-making" opportunity, although I know it sounds that way.

Again, I really appreciate your help.



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Kat, I hope you fid a really special home for him. Sometimes when people sell horses, they up the price so they insure that it goes to someone who seriously wants to give that horse a good home. I like to think that the same goes for any bird or animal.


Don't be afraid of the money making issue. Just be sure he goes to someone who will truly love him and give him a good home for the rest of his life .

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Talon wrote:

Kat, I hope you fid a really special home for him. Sometimes when people sell horses, they up the price so they insure that it goes to someone who seriously wants to give that horse a good home. I like to think that the same goes for any bird or animal.


Don't be afraid of the money making issue. Just be sure he goes to someone who will truly love him and give him a good home for the rest of his life .


Talon makes an excellent point here.. Too cheap and anyone can buy him.. You don't want that.. You want serious bird lovers only..


Nice post Talon.

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