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Suggestions for getting along better?


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Hi! As most of you know, I have a 2 1/2 year old TAG, Lyric and a 4 month old TAG, Sadie Grey.

Lyric was an only chick and wasn't raised around another bird. When my baby greys came along I did all I could to get Lyric used to them. I let him see them while they grew bigger and once I felt comfortable that they were big enough I let them all eat together on a table. Lyric was nervous about the babies and slightly confrontational with them. Once they began flying, they started chasing him and it really freaked him out. Now, if I try to let Lyric and Sadie out together, Sadie chases him flying around the house. Lyric gets so upset, he flies away shrieking and tends to crash into things.

I feel like I can't let them out together anymore- I don't want Lyric to be unhappy and risk getting injured. I know you can't make two birds like each other if they don't...

It really cuts down on each bird's time-out of cage though having to split my time between the two. The only thing I can really think that might help is if I clipped Sadie's wings so she couldn't chase Lyric anymore. That really isn't an option- I don't want to take away her power to fly- I feel like it's her right as a bird. Being born in captivity she's already lost her chance at total freedom- I don't want to take away something that gives her joy.

I just wondered if anyone might have any suggestions for helping them to get along better...I don't think it's likely that much will help the situation but it doesn't hurt to ask for opinions from the others out there that have multiple birds! Thanks!

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Well, I certainly am no expert, but I do share the issue of having two birds who don't necessarily play well together. Tanner, my severe macaw, would actually LIKE to be closer to Maxi, my TAG; but Maxi (who was my first bird - and hence is The Princess) won't have it. Neither of them is fully flighted yet, but I am letting them both fledge and Maxi's starting to gain some range, so my problem with this is likely to get worse. So far neither of them has chased the other, but Tanner gets down off of anything you put him on and "goes visiting" where Maxi doesn't want him, and then thing sget tense. If they should end up fighting, (God forbid) I'm sure she'd get the worst of it because she's about 2/3 his size.


I do what you do: let them out separately, or when I can really supervise. And I have to say they have noticable "good hair days" and "bad hair days" - they are more at ease around each other on some days than others. I often share my attention - e.g. while holding Max I'll talk to her and then to him and then to her, and vice versa. As loopy as it sounds, I have even had solemn conversations with both of them explaining that I would like to keep things peaceful in the kingdom and I need them to get along, and maybe I am hallucinating, but it actually seems to help for a while. I am very careful to always give Maxi her props as the alpha bird - first greeting, last goodnight, etc., but there are times when she just gets wenchy if she sees Tanner snuggling with me too much (which he is wont to do!)


Keep us posted, Jen, and good luck!

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Thats a tough one Lyric.


Unfortunately your young Greys have found a BIG FUN game in chasing your poor Lyric around the house screaming.


If Lyric is that upset that he flies into things in trying to get away, that's not good as you know. he is panicked and will hurt himself one of these days perhaps.


I really do not see an option of other than keeping them in their cages when the other is out or as you suggest, trimming ones wings, which is obviously the lesser desired thing to do.


One last option if all else fails would be to let that baby go to a good home and try a different Grey sometime in the future that has not learned it is BIG FUN to chase Lyric.


I am sure others will chime in with good ideas.

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Thank you both for your opinions.


Last night I got Lyric to play on the playstand on top of Sadie's cage. Sadie seemed excited about it- I think she misses her brother and would love for Lyric to be a playmate if he wasn't scared of her. Lyric was getting pretty brave and at one point I had to move him off the playstand because he was trying to reach her beak through the bars. I didn't want them to hurt each other. Perhaps by taking baby steps like this I can get them more used to each other. ;)

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Good for you, Jen - I think baby steps are definitely the way to go. It's certainly the method I'm having to use!


Having Lyric physically higher than Sadie up on her playtop last night may have contribted to the success of the evening, too. That's great that Sadie seemed accepting of Lyric's presence up there. Did she and Sterling used to chase each other around, too - in play? I am wondering if she is just used to playing that way and Lyric is scared because he just doesn't understand yet that it's all in good fun.


Keep up the baby steps, and keep us posted!B)

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