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Hey all, been a long time since i posted here! Cleo is now 16months old for anyone who remembers me =) i understand greys approx start talking from when they are 18months old plus, but i see little improvement in cleo's vocals despite being constantly spoken too and hearing new sounds, she doesnt seem to be picking up anything new. She has been through a lot due to mine and daves split around 10months ago, but all in all she is happy and healthy and still lively and causing trouble lol. she seemed to be learning and progressing a lot more when me and dave were together and living together with her, she was learning new things all the time, now that seems to have slowed down a lot, we raised her from a chick and all she seems to have kept on is the telephone ring me and dave had in the flat. i have a new partner and we will soon be settled in together and cleo will once again have a steady home and she likes him an awful lot, du you think that will steady her learning pattern again? or is this just normal? she seems the same in personality, maybe im just worrying? i didnt want to permenantly mentally affect her in anyway but it was something that i didnt see coming, me and dave were together a long time, she had a close bond with him. i think im being paranoid lol, just wanted to check this out, i have no other experience with parrots except cleo, so the older she gets the newer it all is.

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Hi Nekky im sure Cleo will accept that changes have been made and of course with love & attention she will accept the changes and most of all have a continuous happy life with you both so dont worry just let things happen as normal it will be fine:)

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I remember you Terri and I wouldn't worry too much right now. She probably misses Dave some if she was close to him too but in time she will be back to her old self. Like you said she has had a lot go on in her life and she does not settle into a new life as easy as you or I would.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2009/02/17 19:53

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I am sorry to hear of the drama that has ocurred in your life. It obviously had an affect on that highly intelligent and loving Grey.


As others said, all thse changes have definately upset her security and flock which takes time to heal and get on with life.


She will come around and continue progessing overtime. :-)

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hi guys, thankyou so much for ur response. cleo gets her new cage today which is big enough for 2 parrots so i hope that cheers her up. been spoiling her rotten. i will keep u posted over the next few months when cleo gets a new steady home like before. i really hope she gets back to normal and that this hasnt affected her too badly, she seems quite sterdy and not overly sensitive to these things, ive seen no signs of depression whatsoever.

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