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Big eye! :O


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When I woke up this morning, i noticed that Kaskoo, my CAG, has some swelling above his right eye:ohmy: . Im really worried, when you leave him alone for a long time, he closes it and leaves only his left eye open. Im taking him to the vet tomorrow, but I was wondering if there was anything i could do now. Please help! Im really worried about Kaskoo.:ohmy:

I'll try to upload a picture later :ohmy: :(:S

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I am glad you are taking him to the vets tomorrow.I am reluctant to advise on an eye injury as the eye is very delicate and needs a profesional.In the mean time have a look to see if he has injured himself on anything in his cage. Does he have a wound or just swelling? Keep him quiet and warm and monitor him.

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That very good advice a sick bird needs to be kept in a very warm enviroment about 80 degrees farenhight if you can cover 3 sides of his cage and put a heat sorce like a light or heating pad under the grate this will help keep the heat in so the bird stay warm and it will also help keep him quiet and relaxed. Its good you are taking him to the vet tomorrow.

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The vet said he has a cold, and that its going around in Kuwait these days between the birds. She gave me some vitamins to put in his water. This morning i woke up and he had a small red rash under his eye.



The picture isnt very clear, i couldnt get Kaskoo to like at the camera long enough for me to take a picture! :(

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That is not from a cold!


It appears your Grey has hit the area above the eye hard enough to cause bruising. Atleast thats what it looks like in the picture.


Is that area that appears as reddish with a little blue growing? The area above the eye appears fairly swollen. Has it gone down a little from when you first noticed it?


You mentioned previously that you were seeing a "Rash" appear. Is the area that appears to be bruise actually looking more like a rash to you?


Is there any discharge coming from the eye at all?

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It doesnt show alot in the picture, actually it barely shows but that isnt what I'm referring to, there is a small red rash under his eye. The eye looks watery, as if he was gonna cry. I really dont think its a bruise though, Im not sure..

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