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I'm at the end of my rope.


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6 months ago I rescued a wonderful CAG who started plucking at the age of 2. Now shes 19 and i've tried everything I can find to get her to stop. We have totally changed the environment when we got her. New house , new toys. We have a humidifier running all the time. I mist her frequently with aloe and water. We had the vet put a foam tube collar on her but that didn't work well so we had him put a Spherical collar on her and she still managed to gain access to most of her body. I took the collar off last night and she plucked everything that she couldn't get to with the collar on.

Obviously the vet has checked for all medical conditions. We've tried Rescue Remedy drops and several different sprays. Any ideas or am I just going to have to accept the fact that she's going to be half bald. Thanks

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So she started plucking at the age of 2 and she is now 19 years old then it has become a habit that is going to be next to impossible to break.


How much time do you spend with her? Sometimes when they don't get the attention they need they will resort to plucking.


If you could give us some more information it would be helpful and why not go ahead and introduce yourself in the welcome room but if this has been going on for the last 17 years its going to be hard to stop.


Some of the more knowledgeable members will chime in with more advice for you.

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Judy is right. 17 yrs of being a plucker is hard to stop. More than likely, there's also areas that feathers will never grow from because the bird will have already pulled out follicles. Concerning those collars, they may stay on for awhile but when the bird finally figures out how to get it off, the frustration of having it on for a while contributes to the following intense plucking. IO have a feeling that you will have to resign yourself to him being a plucker but things can change over a year's worth of time. 6 mts of you owning the bird isn't enough time for a bird to get rid of that habit. So, there may be hope in the future that the plucking will ease up.

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I just remembered something else you can do. Go to Walmart or other stores that sell household leaning products and purchase a feather duster. All of those feathers have no chemicals in them. hang it in the cage in a corner. It may distract your bird from pulling it's own feathers and he may concentrate on working on the feather duster.

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