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making my own playstand


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hi i am going to try to make my own playstand since all the ones ive seen are a piece of tree and very pricey! I have an apple tree in my garden but ive only lived here about 6 months so i don't know if it was ever treated before we moved in though i thoroughly doubt it, my partner is convinced the tree has some sort of fungus but i reckon its probably moss. Do you think it will be safe to use? I would'nt want to cause any harm to my parrot just to save money!Also if i oven treat the wood anyone know what temp to do it at ?Many thanks

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If it were me, I wouldn't risk it, especially since it has mold on it. You don't know if the mold spores have gotten down thru the inside of the bark, and seeing how birds love to chew wood, I would be worried. Also, you don't know if the tree has ever been sprayed with pesticides in the past. That never really goes away, there are always traces of it in the wood.


THis is just my opinion, others may tell you how you can treat the wood. tT is a lengthy process...:huh:

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hmmmm, im gonna have a good look at my tree and see what its like, I could go hunting for other trees but there is always the pesticide question with that also! its very difficult to decide what to do, thankyou for your imput its as always very helpful

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I have done a simple stand for my bird. It didnt cost me much, a y shape tree branch, some cat litter and a plant pot. I have decorated it with some toys.

After checking with my vet, he suggested that I disinfect the wooden branches with a pet friendly disinfectant, let it sink in, wash the tree well afterwards, then let it to dry in the sn for few days to make sure its clean and bacteria free.

I have attached a picture of it.

Hope you like it...

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I am trying to upload this picture of the stand but it didnt work out, so i will just upload it to my profile so you can see it if you want to


Post edited by: ranaz, at: 2009/03/05 18:55<br><br>Post edited by: ranaz, at: 2009/03/05 19:05


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