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New toy fright drives me crazy


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I love my bird. No, I ADORE her. She is the sweetest bird I have ever personally met but the one thing about Greys that drives me crazy is the new toy fear.


Isn't it so frustrating to buy them something new and have to go through this ritual that takes weeks before they are convinced it is not a bird killer.


Today I spent $40 dollars for a boing that is to complete her fancy new playstand that I am modifying and she freaks out when she sees it. I have put it on the other side of the room and will slowly move it closer as she tolerates but I already know it will take weeks. She is okay with the playstand as it has been in the room for months while I have planned and procrastinated.


I love her I am just venting some of my frustration. They are a wonderful bird and this is just the downside of owning such a sensitive creature.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/16 02:44

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Perhaps boings look a bit snake like to them.

It pays them to be cautious in the wild and they are still basically wild animals with all the instincts that wild animals have.

Do you play with it yourself so she can see it is both harmless and interesting to you?

With my Misty he cannot resist playing with my toys. Especially if I make him think it is MY TOY and he can't have it :lol:


Steve n Misty

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I have found that if I put a new toy close to Tycos cage. where she can access it but not touching her cage she get used to it within a day or two I continue to tell her that its a toy and show her that its safe to play with. I have done this ever since I got her and now she isn't afraid of anything new as long as I tell her its for her and it a toy and it lots of fun. I have never let her give in to fear and she is a very brave confident Grey now. I will usually put anything new up while she is in bed that way when she wakes up it there for her to see.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/02/16 07:26

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I must say I don't have that problem with Mischief. Usually when I put a new toy in her cage or on her stand she'll go right for it. However, I do have a problem with putting her on new play stands or perches. I bought her the one below at the last bird fair and the first time I went to put her on it she was leaning so far back off my hand that she was practically sideways. :lol:



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yeah i'm lucky too. although Tigerlily HATES new perches in her cage and can take day's 2 use it, toys are a different story, she can't get them quick enough!


I open the new toy with Tigerlily on my shoulder and cautiously bring it up 2 my mouth and pretend 2 play with it.


Tigerlily wants everything i have, she can't bear 2 miss out on anything and within seconds we're both fighting for the toy with our mouths :P

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Char wrote:

Today I spent $40 dollars for a boing that is to complete her fancy new playstand that I am modifying and she freaks out when she sees it. I have put it on the other side of the room and will slowly move it closer as she tolerates but I already know it will take weeks.


Don't anxious over this. I have had a boing hanging from the ceiling in my Family room for 2 years. Just 3 Days ago,, my Grey finally flew to it and hung out.....


Granted, that is an extremely long time, but maybe he just didn't find it interesting, thus never had a desire to land on it. The only reason he did, was he was in hot pursuit of my conure whom he hates and chases all over the house. The Conure always flies to the boing as a "Safe Zone". Well, Dayo decided he was not going to let Jake get off that easy this time and chased him down the boing....


For the most part, it takes Dayo anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks to decide a toy is ok to check out and then play with.

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I'm trying to look at the reluctance to play with new stuff as a positive quality. (I know it's hard.) If we think of it as a phobia or a shortcoming, however, it's frustrating for us and probably for our birds too.


If they are cautious about new things, it's because the cautiousness has paid off in their survival as a species. Just another glorious aspect of being a Grey, and being smart -- you never know when one of those toys could explode, catch fire or turn into Godzilla :)

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Yeah I know. I told someone just the other day that the reason they are so cautious is because they are so smart. We all know that an idiot will rush in and grab anything without hesitation while while an intelligent being will consider all the aspects.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/16 21:53

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It can be frustrating I know. I have a boing story for you. I bought one in the fall and started it out on the floor on the other side of the room, moving it closer all the time until it was propped up in a corner. Then I leaned it against the cage, then attached it low on the cage, then higher and higher. We got to the point where Dorian was climbing on it when it was attached to the cage, and then I hung it from the ceiling. It wasn't until last week that the following finally happened. Now it's one of his favourite things, so it's worth the patience!th_boing1stswing.jpg

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I have a boing, and it took weeks laying on a table before Talon would even allow me to take her into the room. Eventually, she got used to it, and now it is her favorite place to be. (we are on boing number 3). Be patient and give it time.

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