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Mischief Fell in the Pool!


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A few times a week, I sit outside with my flock. They have an outside play gym next to a swing seat that I relax on. So, we enjoy the sunshine and nice weather together (when it comes around). Anyway, just a little while ago, something spooked my Grey and she flew into the pool. I, of course, jumped up asap to rescue her. She was flapping really hard and seemed to keep her head above the water the entire time. She flapped over to me as soon as she saw I was there. She was in the pool about 15 seconds before I got her out. It's Sunday so my vet is closed, and I am concerned that the chemicals in the water may be harmful to her or her feathers? I'm rinsed her off in the shower, but is there anything I should be worried about from this accident?

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I'm sorry to here about your poor baby. I'm sure she'll be fine as long as you rinced her off really well under her wings and everywhere. as long as she didn't swallow to much water I'm sure she will be fine keep an eye out on her for awhile if she seems to have any problems I'm sure there is a emergency vet available in your area somewhere.

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Thanks for the replies! She wasn't too happy about being stuck in the shower for a rinsing, but I went in to check on her a few minutes ago and she waved hello and gave me the happy chirp that I love hearing! I'll keep checking up on her to make sure she's not acting weird, but I don't think she swallowed much (if any) water. All seems fine! Phew!

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I am sorry to hear about the accident....

but wow just have to tell you how much envy I have got for you, it sounds amazing to be sitting by the pool with your birds, oh my goodness, here it is freezing and no sun, always night, I am craving sunshine. You are sooo lucky!

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She will be fine. When my B&G was first learning to fly, he went into the pool more often than I care to think about (he hates water, so this was a huge insult to injury). We rinsed him in the shower, just as you did, and he was no worse for the wear. Now he is such a good flyer, he skims the surface of the pool. I think he does it as a ha, now I can't just fall in.

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