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Inputs please.. On a New AG


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Honestly, I was a bit startled at the size when i went to the breeders yday.. my wife was seeing him for the first time, and she was a bit shaken as well.. took sometime for us to sink it in.. and i also got a sweet little scratch from his sharp claws :).. the conservatory is pretty much done for him as well.. just flooring and painting remains.. will get some snaps once i get him home next weekend.. 13th is the day.. cant wait!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

All.. Chikki has come home today.. I will soon post a few snaps.. A few questions to you all..


Before that, a bit of a background. I myself am not for clipping.. but, the breeder was so worried and concerned for the bird as Chikki was flying all over the place and requested me to allow her to clip him. She suggested, it would grow back in 6 months and by then I would have a better control over her. So I had to go with it.. he was clipped only yesterday.. I can hear a few swears.. but trust me.. i love chikki.. my questions now..


1. He seems to be very comfy on his perch in the cage or on the open top. But he isnt very confident when he is picked up. I can feel a shiver on his foot and he starts flapping his wings and makes me feel he is not sure about perching on my hand.. Will this be ok soon?


2. Being a nerdy person myself, i tried to get him step up today.. but he wouldnt.. he wasnt lured by my treats either.. how do i time my training sessions.. is it too early?? do i wait till he starts trusting me more??


3. also, i bought a packet of treats for him, but he wont have them.. so how do I choose a treat for his training sessions.. Is it generally done by noting down what he likes over a period of time?


Will post some snaps tomorrow..

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It will take the baby a while to adjust to his new surroundings. Take things slow and easy and give him time to settle in. I know it is hard to not be all over them when they are so cute and you are so excited but you may need to back off a little til he begins to feel more comfortable in his new home. Just put yourself in his place and think about what you would need to feel safe in a new place.

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Very nice photos of Chikki, he is a fine looking grey.


As others have said, it will take a little time and patience for him to adjust to the new home, cage and most impactive change of not being able to fly. Thats is always a shock to them and takes some time for them to adjust to.


Can he fly a little so he does not hit the floor too hard if he slips and falls?


Thanks for posting these photos.

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Danmcq at the moment he can flap his wings to balance himself when he climbs the cage.. and also, he can flap and balance land himself to the floor when he wants to.. sometimes he jumps from a slightly high spot and manages to land fine.. though he has once managed to fly into one of my conservatory windows, he generally is fine..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all.. Chikki is kind of settled in his new home now.. we have the cage in the conservatory.. and most days he is out most of the time.. worst case he is out atleast 4 hours per day.. and he has managed to explore the conservatory quite well.. initially he flew into the glass panes a couple of times.. thankfully didnt get hurt.. but now he realises the glass panes are there and even when he flies, just diverts his flight exactly before hitting the glass..


as i read from one of the posts here, i have started clicker training him, and he seems to be responding quite well to it.. step up was a breeze unless he is on his favourite play top perch.. he loves there and doesnt want to come down unless he is lonely or hungry.. he is one of those CAGs that dont prefer to poop in his cage.. so he does it on the conservatory floor.. or in a newspaper i have laid for him.. he is happy to obey me if i take him to the newspaper and poops, but he is still not into the habit of getting there to poop.. will do a bit of training..


otherwise he is doing great.. seems to love tea, pasta, indian rotis, green veggies and ofcourse almonds.. he doesnt seem to enjoy apples or grapes too much.. last evening i tried to change his food cup and he suddenly yelled.. i wasnt sure and then found i was squeezing his toe between the cup holder and the cup which was hurting him.. i felt so bad for being careless.. but immly after that he happily stepped up on me and was chewing my gold chain(he loves to do it when he is on me).. i didnt find any bulge or wound, but still not sure if he is fine.. he has been ok since morning.. but still hurts when i think i was so careless.. hope i do better in future.. otherwise he is a happy little thing.. and fortunately steps on to most ppl offering their hands even if he is seeing them for the first time..


just wanted to keep you guys posted on his progress..!!

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What a GreYt update on Chiki. :-)


It sounds like he is doing well. I have done the same to my Greys toe once and it does make you feel very bad. If you don't see any wound or swelling and he walks about with out favoring that foot or toe he is fine.


Thanks for the update and looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos of him!! :-)

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What a great update! I'm glad Chikki is adjusting to his new home so well. You sound like a great parront that cares so much about Chikki already and that is so wonderful! Keep up the great work, do you have any updated pictures of Chikki, you know we would love to see. ;)

karunk wrote:

otherwise he is doing great.. seems to love tea, pasta, indian rotis, green veggies and ofcourse almonds..

FYI: Tea has caffeine in it and isn't good for him.<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/07/07 16:19

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Guys.. i will soon post some more snaps.. as all i have at the moment are Chikki's snaps with his cage and on his play top.. which i have already posted..


danmcq, actually my bro and I were there around him when i squeezed his toe last night.. and all of us felt so bad about it.. he seems to be fine now.. in the tense moment i didnt notice which foot got hurt.. but i made him walk and climb after that and he was alright.. we are soon getting a bar(an iron rod) that run across the breadth of the conservatory.. i can then use it to train him on rope climbing and other activity toys.. my only fear is, he already doesnt listen to me when he is on his play top and this bar is going to be even higher and he sure wont even come down to me if he gets there :))..


caitb2007, thanks for your information about the tea thingie. I did read somewhere that it is not good for him.. But the breeder used to give him tea and she was the one who informed me that Chikki loved tea.. so i thought it wasnt as serious as they posed it to be.. i will not giving him tea in future..

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