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Inputs please.. On a New AG


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The conservatory build should start in the next 10 days.. and should be done in a months time.. I should be paying the first visit to my bird in the next week or so.. I hope one of the two chooses me.. Really excited about it.. have waited a long time for the day.. once i get the conservatory in place, i must start setting up a good environment for my bird at home.. have planned a few play things for the bird already.. will keep u all posted..

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all.. i am paying my second visit to my birdie tomorrow.. we have decided to call him Chikki.. the conservatory is coming along well and shud be done by end of may i hope.. hoping to bring chikki home by mid june.. have got him a travel cage that i will give the breeder tomoro.. btw have advised my breeder not to clip the bird.. so its going to be fun managing him..


Got some pics for you.. the one in the green pot is our Chikki..!! :)<br><br>Post edited by: karunk, at: 2009/05/08 14:29

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all.. thanks for your comments.. we initially thought of Samba as the name.. but then decided on Chikki as the breeder felt it would be easier for the parrot to pronounce as well.. should be starting to see him in the next couple of hours.. though its my second time, i feel very excited about it.. cant wait to bring him home.. mid june seems to be very very far off..

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Your baby is so cute its so nice that you have taken the time to learn and prepare yourself for this wonderful adventure your about to have. These birds are very special as yo will see over the many years they will become a very important part of your life not that much different from haveing a human child except they don't leave to get married or go to college. They are so amazing and so smart and I now that you are going to enjoy your new copanion so much. Please keep us updated with pictues and detail about you baby and I'm veryy happy for you and yoou new family member.

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Hello Chikki, that is an adorable name for a grey but it is an adorable grey so what can I say but I love it.


Yes it will seem like it will never get here but it will so be patient and please post more pictures of Chikki when you get more and please also post some pictures of your conservatory when you get it finished, I want to see it.

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Thanks everybody.. JoolesGrey, my wife doesnt use a hairspray, so shouldnt be an issue i hope.. i will post some more snaps once i have them formatted to the right size.. Chikki has grown bigger since i saw him last.. even the red tail is coming out slowly.. spent an hour with him at the breeders and just back.. shuld be going again next weekend or a week after that..


judygram i hope to get my conservatory done by late may or early june.. will send you the snaps once done..

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Wow Chikki is so cute...congratulations and I can promise you, life would never be the same after you get him...you wont be able to emagine life without him...and you will enjoy every moment, eve when he is naughty...


Waiting for your new pics...


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HI and welcome!

I think you did the right thing joining this forum.


I think you should read this book if you havent already:

"For the Love of Greys, By Bobbi Brinker


It has SO much info regarding these birds, from general care, to diet and recipes, to emotional needs, How to choose a breeder, when your baby grey comes home....etc.


I loved the book and think anyone who has, or is thinking of having a grey should buy it and read it. I refer to mine all the time.

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hey guys thanks a lot.. btw myafricanqueen, i have read a few books on CAGs.. couple of books on Alex.. including Alex studies.. The birdkeepers guide to CAGs by Greg Glendell, and one other book. I will get this one you have recommended as well.. thanks for your inputs..

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