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Inputs please.. On a New AG


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Hi.. I am planning to buy an African Grey.. ANd i am trying to make sure I prepare myself well for the commitment.. reading some books.. making my day longer so that i can spend more time with it.. and things like that.. i have a concern though.. i have a big garage which i dont use for a car anyways.. is it a good idea to make that its place.. i am worried coz it might be a bit cold in the shed for the bird.. as the garage is really big it will provide the bird enough room to fly when i am not around during the day.. i can keep the garage lights on if that might help as well..

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Hello Karunk and welcome.


I would suggest you purchase a cage. When you are not at home leave you Grey in the cage in your house.


They do not belong outside, in a shed or in a garage.


Unless I am missing something, it appears you do not have a cage?


I little more detail on why you are positing the question would be greatly helpful. :-)

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Greys need company and interaction.I do not think placing a cage in the garage is a good idea.My advise is to read up all you can on greys before making your decision to get one.This forum is a great place for information and advise,please have a good look through the many threads in the various rooms and I am sure you will find much to help you.

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Hi She.. many thanks for that input.. i am already workng out some space in the house for the new entry to the family.. i was a bit concerned abt the flying space that it would have in a cage.. i did also think about an outdoor cage, but i am concerned about the winter.. in any case i should have a dedicated space for the grey.. i am going through the forum and looking for some tips to start off..

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Danmcq.. i am a newbie to pets.. i want a pet as a long time commitment and stay with me for a few decades.. i have already decided its going to be a parrot and an intelligent one.. i felt AG is a good choice.. i have started to look into local breeders and collect information on what i have to do to make my AG at ease.. i could easily get a cage, but was wondering if the bird could fly and could feel at ease in a larger space such as my garage.. hence the thought.. if he would feel happier in the living room, i could get a good sized cage to have him there.. and may be i should train him not to fly to my lcd tv or my desktop :)

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Greys need the safety of a cage for times you are not at home and at night for sleep. You can have your grey out of the cage while you are home to allow him/her to fly where she likes to accompany you. You can see where problems could arise from having the roam of the garage, what if someone opened the door and he/she got out or he/she gets into something that harms or kills, I wouldn't want to take that chance.


You do need to locate that cage where the family spends the most time as they like to be around the flock with you and your family being it's flock.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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I think if you want to have a parrot as a pet and not for breeding purposes or anything like that, it is best being in your home close to where you spend alot of your time. This way when you come in from work you can talk to it and it will bond really well with you. Plus it allows your parrot to become part of your family community which they enjoy! i have my african grey in my living room, he is'nt very noisy apart from first thing when he wakes up and a throughout the day but in the evenings when it starts getting dark hes very quiet. Just remeber not to locate your bird in the kitchen, near drafts or bright sunlight!

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from what i understand ur getting a cage 2 go in the house and were woundering about the garage for flying space.


in my opinion the garage might be a good place for ur grey to get some exercise ASLONG AS UR THERE SUPERVISING. and NOT when the grey is alone.


when ur not there the cage in a well used room is the only option for our lovley greys.

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all.. thanks for all your thoughts.. I would have him in my Living room, now that i have an idea of what it means to him.. I just have to figure out a suitable space so that he can watch tv when i am out.. i have a big list of questions.. i would soon compile them and check the forum for answers.. if i am not able to get an answer, i will post them here.. feels good that now i can post my questions in here and sort out any issues/concerns i might have.. Hope to buy a good AG soon..

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karunk: No garage, no shed, no flying when you are not there. A grey is very social and you and your family will become it's flock. A bird needs to be with the flock at all times. Cold below 68 degrees is not good. Watch the flying and make sure it does not get outside and fear will take it further from home. So read and ask as this is the place to do this. So many great advisers here. Ask anything and keep reading.

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Hi MazyAK.. thanks for the inputs.. i am reading the posts and so is my wife.. just to make sure she has all her concerns addressed.. i am talking to breeders here and also a couple of ppl who want a new home for their AG.. I am just planning to time the entry so that i take a week off initially and spend all the time with him during the honeymoon period that the baby spends at home..

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Hi karunk, it's great that you have joined the family before you get your grey. There certainly are a lot of knowledgeable grey owners here and their experience is invaluable. I hung around here for a couple of months before I got my grey and I am very grateful for the knowledge they have so graciously bestowed on me. So glad you joined us!!!

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Hi Guys.. a few questions :).. looks like i will soon be getting an ag.. i am thinking on the setup and initial things i have to get..

1. i have to first throw away all the teflon wares.. is there any other type of wares that has the non stick feature that wont hurt the bird?


2. I have planned a location for the cage.. it is in the living room, close to the dining area, 10 feet from the kitchen door.. i hope that shud be a good spot.. because the stairs go just above the place, it looks a bit protectiv.. from there the bird can things happening in the lounge, kitchen and dining room..


3. that being the setup planned, i might have a mini curtain arranged to hide the bird from view if i want to.. that might benefit the bird durin sleeping hours.. and i have heard that, such a setup might induce talking capabilities faster than usual..


4. we cook a lot of spicy food at home.. sometime fry chillies and stuff.. what do we do with the bird in such cases.. would it affect the bird.. we have got used to all the spices in the air, but any bird i buy would not be prepared for that.. would it affect the bird..?


5. my wife uses hair dryer.. would that affect the bird??


6. Is there any other equipment we should look into before he arrives??

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Hi Karunk,


It's great you are doing so much research before bringing home your Grey. Asking questions is the best way to get a good general idea from the varied responses and ideas you'll receive here from experienced Parrot owners and what worked in their respective situations and Parrot personalities.


You asked several good questions and heres some responses:


1 - Getting rid of all non-stick cookware is a must. The only exception is if you have purchased one of the newly developed non-stick wares that do not have any of the Teflon chemicals used in them.


2 - The cage location you have chosen sounds good and when your Grey is caged it will still have the feeling of being with the flock by seeing whats going on and where you are.


3 - A mini curtain is a great idea!


4 - They love spicy food as well! I have never had my parrots show any negative response to anything we cook, which is a wide variety of things and includes those luscious spices that add zing to the appropriate foods. I suppose some may display a sensitiveness to some cooked items, but you would be able to tell very quickly.


5 - The hair dryer is ok, as long as you don't use it on your bird. ;-)


6 - Perhaps a playstand, boings, swinging ropes etc. There is a huge assortment of equipment and toys to choose from. :-)


One thing I would recommend would be a room humidifier if you live in an area that has low humidity or you use heat in the winter and AC in the summer which normally results in an RH percentage below 20 % indoors. Birds like greys, amazons, macaws and conures all come from very humid zones in the RH of 80 % range and need humidity atleast of 40% to keep them happy and healthy.

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Many thanks DanMCQ.. i have been talking to many breeders.. and i spoke to one very responsible breeder yday.. she was the first to ask me about my work schedule, and when she found that the parrot would be alone from 9 to 6 pm every working day, she said she wouldnt let her parrot babies go through that. she said, if i had to buy something from her, it has to be 2 AGs.. so that they could spend time with each other when we werent around.. which would push my budget to 2000 pounds including a huge cage and accessories.. i am not worried about spending so much, but just want to make sure if it is really the right reason to get 2 AGs and not just a marketing strategy.. i just wanted to get your thoughts on this, before i make up my mind for that budget :)..

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I'm sure the breeder has the utmost good intentions. But, many of us work all day and our Greys must spend the day in the cage during weekday working hours.


They do just fine as long as they have a large cage filled with plenty of toys, foraging items, food and water.


The hours out are normally around 4 during weekdays and then on weekends/holidays around here, they are out sunrise to evening around 8 with us.


Ive never heard of a breeder require normal working people to purchase two.


It's not that it may not be a bad idea, but it's not necessarily a good idea either. The you have two Greys wanting your attention during the hours you are at home in the evenings.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/21 17:06

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Exactly.. that was my concern.. its not just the cost.. its the responsibility that comes with buying 2 AGs.. and being a newbie to parrots, rather pets even, i am a bit hesitant to start with 2..


i have also plans to train my parrot.. and 2 makes it even more difficult to concentrate and train them.. i hope i can spend 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the evening and then let the parrots sleep around 10 hours..your inputs have made me a lot clearer in what i am going to do.. thanks a lot..

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Dan, don't you have a conure as well? So your grey is not actually alone when you are gone.


I agree with the breeder in that I wouldn't want an intelligent bird to be left alone that long. I'm sure that there are those that would disagree with me, but I really feel like it is similar to leaving a human toddler alone for most of the day. And as mom of two young kids, it really hurts my heart to think of it. This is why I've waited until I was almost 40 and staying-at-home before considering a grey. At the very least some birdy company would help with the isolation.<br><br>Post edited by: sugarbeth, at: 2009/02/21 19:49

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Sugarbeth.. i did suggest to the breeder that I could get a cockatiel to serve as a company for the African Grey.. that would also reduce his boredom and wouldnt be financially too much of an ask on me.. also i have heard that cockatiels arent that demanding either.. so lesser responsibilities.. but she was not ok with that as well.. !!


also something on the sleeping hours.. i read that AGs need 10 to 12 hours of sleep everyday.. and it is very important that the lights are off in the living room during those hours.. how do you guys manage with that.. coz, i stay in my living room atleast till 10 pm.. and come back in the morning at 7 am.. that isnt enough time for the bird.. and on weekends nights are going to be noisier and longer.. as a solution i can only think of a sleeping cage for the bird, and put it in a closed storage space under the stairs.. what do you ppl do to help your bird sleep in peace when you are enjoying your weekend nights!!

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sugarbeth wrote:

Dan, don't you have a conure as well? So your grey is not actually alone when you are gone.


I agree with the breeder in that I wouldn't want an intelligent bird to be left alone that long. I'm sure that there are those that would disagree with me


Hi Sugarbeth,


I do have a Conure. But, Dayo would rather see him dead than around. :-)


I suppose, even at that, it may be company along with my two Dobermans roaming around all day long as well, which he calls by name and throws food to.


Thats whats great about this forum. Each individual has different ways of seeing things and by responding it gives people all aspects to consider. :-)

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They need a TOTAL of 10 - 12 hours sleep. Most do not get that during the night. They will sleep during the day at different times when all is quiet.


On average my Grey sleeps from 8 or 9 pm until 6 am then is calling us....Then naps during the day. :-)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys.. havent been very active here for sometime.. but i have been actively planning out for my Grey.. I am in touch with a breeder in Kent UK.. Just 30 miles from where I live.. when i first contacted her she said she expected the eggs to arrive in a week.. its been a month since then and there are now 2 chicks.. one arrived on the 31st of march and the next one on 2nd of april.. i am yet to choose them.. i hope to pay a visit in the next couple of weeks..


Meanwhile I am also getting a conservatory done at home.. i can use it as a play room for my grey when it arrives.. i hope to get the grey home by mid june.. and the conservatory shud be done by then.. i am planning the conservatory more as an extension, so that i can use it as a sleep room for my grey.. hope it all goes well.. i will get a few snaps of the birds as soon as i have them and post it here..

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