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Hello From North Mississippi

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My family and I just brought home our African Grey. Her name is Abbie and she is almost 6 yrs. old. She is very sweet and we are waiting for her to get adjusted to her new home and so far so good even though it has only been a little over a day. She hasn't spoken any and we were told she does but maybe she is having to adjust. Every now and then we think we hear her mumbling and whistling under her breath. But even if she doesn't speak a word won't make a difference we will love her no matter what. from_blackberry_019.jpg


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Welcome kayleetyler2!!


It's GreYt having you here. It is always wonderful to see some one take in a Grey in need of a good home to love and care for them.


Abbie sounds like she is doing just fine for only having been there one day. Low level mumbling is normal even in home they are familiar with.


Just let things go at abbey's pace and interact with her as much as you can tell she is comfortable with.


Thanks for posting the photo of her. She is a nice looking Grey with some red factor going on as well. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Hello Kayleetyler2 and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Abbie.


You are so right, she does need time to settle into her new home especially considering she is 6 years old, just give her plenty of time and lots of patience and I am sure she will come around to her old self soon.


I would be interested to hear the circumstances surrounding her ending up in your care, have you ever had an african grey before or have you ever had any kind of parrots before?


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for including a picture of Abbie in your intro post, saves us from having to ask for one, she looks like she has some red factor in her feathers.

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The only bird/parrot I have had is a Green Cheek Conure and a parakeet. We have been doing some research on an African Grey. I feel like even though I did all this research it wasn't enough and that there is so much more. We seen that this gentleman was selling a 6 year old African Grey and we called him just to find out a little more. Because I was wanting a baby. After talking to him and hearing that he had gotten her from a friend and she was a pet. He got her 6 months ago and wanted to use her for breeding and rarely had much to do with her for breeding purposes. His male Grey died and he decided he didn't want to buy another male and his other two Grey's were bonded he put her up for sale. So we wanted to give her a home so that she could be a pet again. I know that we don't know a lot about them but we are eager to learn because just the 6 hour trip home I fell in love with her and want her to be the happiest she can be. And I felt like I was saving her, due to the fact that she must have felt lonely going from being a pet to being a breeder. Well that's the rest of my story.



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Abbie is a lucky girl that she ended up in your care- I can tell you are going to be a great mom to her and do your best to keep her happy. She is beautiful with all those red feathers- thanks for sharing the picture with us. She's gone through a lot of change in a short period of time, it will take her some time to adjust and trust you completely.

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