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Sophie is a One-Person Bird. Definitely.


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Upon bringing Sophie home, she bonded to me immediately which was great because she is my bird, it will be me she is living with for the rest of her life (god willing) I am in college now and living with my parents and sister, but it won't always be this way. ANYWAY :pinch: .

At first, she would let people touch her and pet her and come near her and feed her. After a few weeks that changed to letting people do these things if I were holding her, and is now NO TOUCHY for anyone that isn't me. I am not quite sure when the transition took place but it did. After much coaxing and patience, she will let my mother pet her, but only if she is being held by me. I am taking this as a positive step in the right direction.


I don't suppose anyone has any advice?

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She has chosen you are her favorite and that is fine but she can still have a relationship with the other members of the family but not like the one she has with you. A lot of greys are like this including mine.


When you first brought her home she was going thru the honeymoon phase where she was accepting of most everyone but now that she has settled in she is showing her true preferences. This will most likely not change but you can let the other members be the ones to give her treats.


How long have you had her and do you have any other birds in your house?

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They do bond strongly with one person normally as Judy said.


You are doing the right thing in having your mom and others continue to interact act with your grey. Continue having them be involved in offering treats by hand a getting as much interaction with your grey as it will allow. They could also help out in the feeding and cage cleaning which you grey will become accustomed to and you won't run into issues if you happen to be away and someone else needs to perform these tasks in your absence.

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