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She's home! ++pictures !


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I brought my baby grey home today.

She is still learning to perch, and my oh my is it CUTE:laugh:


Few questions:

I am feeding her mashed up apples, banana's ect. Should I warm it up in the microwave, or is giving it to her cold better?


She had a small amount of Pau D'Arco mixed in with the formula powder. I've read that is can be VERY good for the birds, in VERY small amounts. The breeder says it works wonders on the birds. My question is, I kind of want to spinkle some in with the quakers food once a week. She's a plucker, and very very small for a quaker, but she's always been rather tiny. Do you think its a good idea to at least try?


I have a aviary vet appointment Thursday with Dr. LightFoot :)



Pictures will be coming soon. She is already playing with the toys I have in her cage, making LOTS of cute baby noises. The car ride home she insisted on talking (baby talk) the whole way home, and just beaking everything around her. She's a healthy little girl =]






Here are picture from today




She perched for the first time, though she doesn't have much balance. She practiced on my hand while we watched tv together, she would catch her balance, then stretch her wing, and foot. Then fall, and do it all over again:laugh:

My entire family loves her. She's lucky to be alone during the day. Ha<br><br>Post edited by: Twosteph, at: 2009/02/18 02:42

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We're still deciding on a name. Its between Hazel, Sally, and Suki.


Yes, a very good Valentines day gift, i'm glad today was pick up day. My parents rode over to her house with my to pick her up. The parents of my bird are HUGE, and very pretty. Probably the biggest grey's I have personally ever seen. The mother was very very light, like a silver grey. Beautiful.

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Yes, worth the wait. My entire family is excited, every time I come home my dad has her on his chest, or my mom is sitting in my room looking at her.


She ate 30cc of food this morning, wasn't really interested in anything else. I was giving her some natural apple sauce yesterday, she seemed to love it:)


She makes SOOO MANY baby noises. I get the feeling she will be very vocal when she starts to talk. We need to kick the baby talk, its such a habit to talk to baby animals, or any animal in the baby talk:S



I think we decided on Hazel:)

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Everything is going great. She sounds a little like star wars right now, which is incredibly cute.


My entire family is so excited, as stated above. She is being hand fed 3x a day, and she'll eat around 30-40cc each feeding. She is also eating lots of pellots, apples, apple sauce, sweet potato (her favorite), banana, ect. She had a nibble on a piece of my popcorn while watching tv, but she didn't like it. She likes regular cheerios though, and will crunch them, though I'm not sure she's actually eating them. Just making a mess all over me :laugh:


She is such a joy. Learning to perch has been very amusing to watch. She's a fast learner, though:)

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Hazel is getting so bored with being hand fed. She'll eat the first tube like she's starving, then just get bored half way through the second. She'll like attach me with love, just charge at me, and try to climb up my shirt and unto my shoulder. Its just like a sudden burst of energy, but she's so cute:)


She is fully perched, and sleeping through the night on her perch. Her FAVORITE food atm seems to be blueberrys, and she makes SUCH a mess out of them. Ha

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