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I'm Beco from Egypt. You have no idea how excited i am to be a part of this. Especially since i have a feeling my CAG parrot has been plotting my assassination to take place some time soon. Speaking of which, I have a previously own parrot, Cocco. It (we suspect its a he), showed us hell the first 3 months. He kind of bonded with mom the most, then the females of the house hold, then the female friends, then the surroundings, then his toys, and practically everything he gets in contact with EXCEPT ME!


Just recently he started allowing me to pet his beak and caress his back. Which i personally think is a GREAT step for me! Problem is mom is leaving for 2 weeks, and kept Cocco with me. I think its a great opportunity to have him get used to me. But im worried he could get depressed and start plucking his feathers. Plus I want to take this opportunity to show that i can teach him tricks.. So, with out any further a due, here I am.. Please help!

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Hello Beco and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Cocco.


Sounds like you have a normal grey who picks and chooses who their favorites are and you got left out but not all is lost. You may never be able to do the things that the women of your household do with him but you two can get along together.


You need to be the one to give him treats so he has that to associate with you being close to him aand when you have him for those 2 weeks don't force yourself on him, if he doesn't want to be touched then back off, give him some space but do talk to him and play with some of his toys to show him you aren't going to hurt him and he should be more receptive of you.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love to look at pictures here and if you have some of Cocco you would like to share with us we would be most grateful.

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LOL, assassination plot. I know how you feel our female was plotting on how to get rid of me so she could have my bf and our male grey for herself.


Little did she know that I knew exactly how to deal with the little minx. It started with her favourite treats which I gave her through out the day, followed by if you want the treat you will have to pick up the ring and bring it to me. I then had her spinning on her perch for treats. Oh the vicotry was sweet, she was putty in my hands and her weakness for treats and the motivation to do anything for them was a sight to see.


It didn't take her long to realise that I wasn't going anywhere and we should be friends. She did have her vicories by teaching me that if she raises her foot then I should go over and pick her up (even though she had 2 perfectly functioning wings).


We are now friends and she does let me touch her, but acts like the Queen of the house. One thing I did have to compromise on was letting her sit with my boyfriend every night for cuddles. I sometimes regret this compromise when I look over and she looks me in the eye with a smug look on her face, lol.


So I think Coco will be fine while your mum is away as long as you have a plan on how you are going to turn the assassination plot into a plan on how to become friends.


Plan well my friend these greys are very smart and cunning. Good luck

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Hi Beco, you have a great sense of humor and a great introduction. How old is Cocco? I am assuming his prior owner was a female, if so that might be why he has a preference to the ladies. However, it sounds like you are finally getting on his good side so I would just be patient and continue to interact as you have been. And as others have said, treats and favorite foods would probably help endear you to him. With Mom gone for a couple of weeks I believe you will have a great opportunity to gain Cocco's trust. Of course, if all else fails--how do you look in Mom's favorite dress??? And how do you feel about a little lipstick and rouge, maybe some eyeliner???? :lol::silly: :kiss::whistle:

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Thank you for the warm welcome. Im sort of new to the whole concept of having a parrot. I almost lost a finger trying to give Cocco a treat! So my level of interaction and my guard are always at DEFCON 1! However, lately Cocco has allowed me to pet him as previously mentioned. And that on its own feels like a HUUUGE step for me. But I have noticed that he shivers alot after i pet or touch him. I read somewhere on the forum that that was a sign of fear or mistrust, i don't know, but so far he hasn't lunged at me, and i guess that is good! I usually offer him a whole wide range of treats, its basically anything i eat i give him a piece of it or a bite's worth! I don't really know what his fav treat is, but i know he eats bananas dates some apples chocolate (he goes ape for em, we don't give him much of it anyways) and loves drinking tea! He doesn't like pellets that much, and i honestly don't have the courage to hand him one with my bear hand! Anything new i should try?


@ luvparrots

Thank you for the ultra creative out of the box idea. But me turning into Hitchcock's Psycho is not part of my current life plan(at least not yet :D). However, I don't think that would matter, coz Cocco only attacks, bites, nibles on my clothes and personal belongings... Its like he knoooows! He also waits for me behind any door to attack my feet. Cocco will NOT lunge at any foot except mine! His favorite door to wait behind is the bathroom door (strategy or coincidence i don't know and i don't want to think about it, coz the idea of being outsmarted by a bird is slightly insulting & demeaning to my so called intellect). I stopped walking around the house bare foot. My mom saw that as an opportunity for some really nice practical jokes and would place her grey shoes in dark rooms and would wait to see the look on my face when flick the lights and see a grey figure on the ground! Its not funny! I guess Cocco persuaded her to become on his team in his assassination plan! So back to your point, I don't think me turning into Norman Bates would solve the problem.. But I am open for new suggestions!

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Welcome BecoG!!


It's GreYt having you and your flock here. :-)


Coco sounds like one "Wild and Crazy Guy"!! It seems your raising the level to Defcon 1 was a wise decision. It seems by his tactics of hiding behind doors and then attacking as you walk past is a very wise decision on his part. If he can take out your feet, you can no longer pose any type of threat to him :P


It sounds like you have been making great progress in interacting with Coco. Just keep up the same style you've been using and he will slowly become more accustomed to you and your ways.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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