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Hello Wolfeagle and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Grady Grey.


I also have a sun conure, she can be a pain in the a** sometimes but she is a cuddlebug who loves nothing better than to sit on my shoulder.


So how old is Grady Grey and how long have you had him?


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Grady you would like to share with us we would love to see him and we have an other birds room where you may share some of your othere birds if you like.

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Thank's for the welcome. My DYH and Sunconure are my first and We have had them since the beginning. The OWG and the Mealy and CAG are rescue bird's from Phoenix Landing. Grady is 17 year's old and I have had him for a month now and we have become quite good buddy's. My brother John had a CAG from birth and he and Paulie had a relationship that only Grey owner's could understand. I lost John on 11/28/08 to Cancer and a home had already been picked out for Paulie who is by the way doing great in his new home. With what I had read about Grey's it sounded like they would not be really happy in my enviroment with all the other bird's but Grady did'nt read the book's and he is happy as can be. I thought that maybe somehow when spending time with Grady before I brought him home that I was trying to hold onto John through Grady and was making a mistake but Grady has let me know that even though he act's like Grey's do he has his own spirit and I know that him and I are going to do fine

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Welcome wolfeagle!!


What a nice introduction and further background you have provided. It sounds like Grady has found the best forever home he could have and I commend you for taking in a rescue.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing photos of your flock when you get a chance. :-)

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You must be in the southeast portion of the US as I am in the same area myself and am familiar with Phoenix Landing, I have never taken in one of their rescues but do know of some who have and the organization does good work.


Grady is his own little man and I am glad you could give him a home and it looks like you two are doing nicely, thanks for what you have done.

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Hello Wolfeagle, welcome to the forum. We're glad you joined our little family. Sounds like you must have a very LOUD house with all those Amazons and a conure too.

I'm sorry to hear about the recent loss of your brother.

Please let us know if you have any questions about greys- Grady sounds wonderful.

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