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My Birds feet started to bleed. help


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My birds feet were bleeding yest. and I cleaned them off and noticed 2 of the claws were missing and about 1/16 of an inch of toe as well . I cleaned it up and used some medication to disinfect. He is in with another bird , a goffin cockatoo and they have been together for the past 10 years and they never fight . What could have happened ?? did the other bird bite his feet , Did he bite his feet ??? will his claws grow back ???

thanks for any help

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Missing that much of his toe, his claw may not grow back.


Do you have any styptic powder? If not you can use corn starch. Dampen i small bit slightly and put a decent amount on the end of a q-tip. Apply the styptic / corn starch to the wound with a small amount of pressure.


If it does not stop, take him to the vet. If he has already lost a lot of blood, I may just take him right to the vet.

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That bird needs to be seen by an avian vet to prevent any infection from setting in and those birds should have their own individual cages even if they do get along for you never know what could happen if one of them gets up on the wrong side of the bed.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and your bird, I assume it is a grey.

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Hello Dabooth -


The others have given good advice.


First get the foot looked at by a vet.


Get your grey to another cage.


Is it possible your grey became entangled with a toy that has strings and chewed himself free? YOu would probably see blood on the strings.


Please let us know how this went. :-)

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Dan, I wondered about a toy as well, since that happened to Dorian years ago when he was in the store. I hate to think what might have happened if I hadn't been there to free him.


If there's no evidence he hurt himself on a toy, then I'd get another cage and separate them. Just like kids who get along for years and then do nothing but fight as they mature, these birds are always changing, hormones and personality change, they get more defensive of their space. I'd also make a vet visit just to be sure he heals well. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, right? Hope both your birds are ok.

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