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Ernie has learnt to shake hands


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Last night was a truly amazing night. Ernie learnt to shake hands with me on command.


It started out like any other night and I did not plan on teaching him this. Heres how it happened.


In the evening I usually eat a yogurt while watching Tv. Ernie as usual, is out of his cage from the time i get home from work. Last night he came to me and was extremely interested in trying the yogurt as he never had it before.


I put some on my left finger and with my right hand I tapped his foot and said "shake hands". I then lifted his foot and immediately praised him and gave him some yogurt off my finger. Done this 5 or six times and now he can do it on command on his own.


It really amazing and I just wanted to share this with you all. I am now going to teach him some more over the weekend.

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