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New here, hopefully about to adopt!


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HI there! I am (hopefully) about to adopt a Timneh, 8 yrs old from a great home!! I already have Roxy, a Quaker. I am SO excited. I should find out tonight or tomorrow if and when I can pick him (or her) up! Not DNAd yet! He will come with a large cage, which I may replace, to match Roxys, and I will order his food from a place in Minneapolis where I get Roxys. What else do you all reccommend? I am SO psyched!!! YIPPEE

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Hello Sidney and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey you hope to adopt.


Why is this Tag being given up for adoption and have you ever had a grey before?


You have come to the right place to find out all you can before you bring this grey home especially if you have never had one before. Our threads are full of useful information on the care, feeding and well being of greys so read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


The bird food room is full of threads that tell what you should be feeding your bird and also has a list of things not to feed that are toxic to our birds.

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Hi, All!! Thanks for your replies! My (hopeful) Timneh currently has a home where the (mom) has just been accepted to a college program, and will need to be working 2 jobs. She knows enough about our feathered friends that she can not give it the attention it needs. I currently am mom to Roxy, a quaker, who is spoiled rotten!! And have always wanted a grey. Roxy currently gets all of his food an toys from a place in Minneapolis, MN, called "parrot island" and all food is organic, human grade. His favorite food is dried peas, has no interest in fruits!. I will try to attach photos of my spoiled Roxy. Other than that, and the 2 congos that my vet has, I have not had experience with these guys. I am home after noon every day, and have much time to devote to my (hopeful) new one. I am so excited!!!

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Hi Sidney, welcome here! You sound very excited about your new timneh, as well you should be. They really make great companions. Just remember your grey will be making a big transition coming to a new home, leaving behind the family and everything it knows. Give the bird plenty of time to adapt and lots of love and patience. This is a great resource for information on greys- if you have questions or problems you can always come here for help.

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