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I have a 19 year old African Grey who was handfed by me.I took her out of the cage everyday and she had complete run of the house until bedtime. When my mom became ill I was not at home all the time so my Grey's schedule was different. My husband started to take her out and she bonded to him to the point that when I tried to get her out, she severely bit me. Needless to say it has been 19 over 17 years since I have taken her out. I have played into her hands when she leaped toward me and I pulled back in fear. My husband can still take her out and sometimes she will give him a little bite also. What can I do to have her trust me again. I talk to her and she coos when I come near the cage and lets me pet her beak, but I am afraid of putting my hands inside of her cage to take her out.

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Sometimes greys will change who their favorite is even without the change in schedule but it seems your husband is her favorite now.


Don't put your hands into her cage to get her, let her come out on her own, greys can get very protective of their cages and if you invade her territory you may suffer the consequences.


If you want to handle her you need to get over your fear of being bitten, she can sense that in you and she acts accordingly.


We have some threads here that deal with these problems you described and others will chime in with their ideas and suggestions for you.


In the meantime why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and your grey, like what is her name?

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