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Bowl tipping


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Oh the frustration!!!:S :S


Our darling Jasper (about 5 months old now) has decided his newest trick is tipping his bowls and emptying the contents all over the carpet!


He will occasionally lift the bowls (they slot into rings on the side of the cage) and drop them to the bottom of the cage.


He started with the seed bowl and has now progressed to his water bowl - so either the bottom of the cage or the carpet is wet.


I have tried putting the food/water in heavy ceramic dishes on the base of the cage but he still manages to tip these also.


Does anyone have any idea why he might be doing this or even better a solution to the problem.

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Oh Debi they do it because they can:laugh: It becomes a game to them to tip it over and send the human flock scurrying to pick it up or clean it up, my what fun.


You may have to revert to the kind of bowls that clamp onto the cage bars that they can't tip or remove.


My Josey does this when she has her evening meal on the playstand, she removes the cup from the ring holder and dumps it as if to say I am done with it.

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Wow, Klaus' bowls fit tightly into holders attached to the sides of his cage. He hasn't figured out how to get them out yet. But he does have a special blue plastic bowl that we put special stuff in (some of our dinner for example). And he LOVES to throw that one! Either he loved what we put in it, and he throws it to show us it's empty and he'd like more. Or, he's less than pleased with the treat and wants to whip it at us for being so stupid! LOL

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Oh yes, my lovely Bella loves to toss bowls. She's figured out how to lift the latch on the water bowl on her play top. She tosses the water bowl when I'm working and she wants to play.


It started one day where she tossed the water all over the place. I got up, said "no no, no!" put water back in the bowl and sat back down to my computer. She waited for me to sit back down and promptly did it again. I said "no, no, no! You're going to go Beddy Bye if you do that again!", filled up the water and sat back down.


Well... she waited for me to sit back down again and tossed it again! I got up and said "That's it! You're going Beddy Bye!" She waited for me to get to her cage and then she flew off yelling "no, no, no!!!", she landed next to my computer chord and acted like she was going to bite it as she knows that's a "no, no" too. I caught up to her and she flew off again. When I caught her and put my finger in front of her to step up I got her to eye level with me and I was about to give her a lecture when she dropped a load on my hand and said "OOHHH BELLA POOP POOP!!!" and then she made a really loud kissing noise :S


Now you tell me what this all was about :laugh:

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Mischief loves to tip her food dish when she doesn't like the contents, or if it needs to be refilled. And boy, does she have me trained! It takes her a couple of tries to get it out of the holder, and when I hear that clanking sound, I'm usually in the room around 3 seconds flat.


I don't have this problem in her cage as the food areas have this bar to where the dishes can't be tipped from inside. She does this with her play stand perch dish because it's the snack dish. ;)

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Thanks for all you replies (and amusing stories!)


I have managed to get hold of a dish that locks onto the side of the cage and then the bottom of the bowl screws into the holder. If Jasper manages to get this one tipped over then I will just give up and teach him to use the dustbuster himself to clean up!!:P :P

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