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I'm pretty sure greys are incapable of having hiccups but they sure can mimic most any sound, are you sure Kharsen isn't just copying what he has heard?


I know Josey has mimiced a good cough, sneeze, snort, clearing the throat, laughing and other bodily sounds too numerous or embarrassing to mention.:whistle:

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Birds mimic everything from coughs, farts, squeaky doors, the coffee pot brewing, water going down the drain, a cigarette lighter, different animals other than birds etc. My best guess would be that your bird is just doing the same. If it were some sort of problem then she would do it often and repeatedly. More than likely, she picked that up and you may not have even heard it. Birds can pick up the sound of 2 dishes being scraped together as they're being put into a closet and it may take an owner months and months to figure out what sound the bird is actually making. Usually a person finds out by accident. Your bird may not be hiccuping at all but is doing another sound but if yoou're worried go to a vet.

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