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Hey what's up everyone. My name's Mark and I got an 11yr old grey named Paco. He's sort of a family heirloom pet. I found this website because I'd really like to get some help and advice on transforming him from a pet into more of a part of our family much like our dog. He's sweet as hell but daggone he's got some bad habits such as biting, pooping, and noise making that really limit our appreciation of him more than they probably should. I look forward to seeing what this forum and community have to offer!



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Hello Mark and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Paco.


So your grey has some bad habits, don't they all but some are just part of having a grey as a companion and what bird doesn't poop. Face facts, all birds poop, they drop that morning bomb, the biggest of the day and then they poop every so often throughout the day, there is no way to stop that but they can be trained to do their poops in a specific container or at a designated place.


There are things you can do to minimize the chances of being bitten, one is to pay attention to their body language and respect when the want a little space.


Greys are usually one of the quieter birds with several times a day when they are more vocal, if yours is making a lot of noise then you may have to find out what is going on to make him so vocal.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Paco you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Heh, I'll have to get some pics. I just got a bunch of bad vids of him right before or after he goes on some nuts funny berzerk stuff. Unfortunately he's got some stage fright going on, hence the before and after in the vids...


Yeah that's what I meant about the poop, I know they can be potty trained, I just gotta read up on it here.


And yeah he's mainly loud at dawn and dusk and occasionally during the day (screeching, whistling, beeping, and barking are the worst). I work from home and often have to cover him for any important phone calls and most others too. I live on 2 acres with near-hurricane-proof windows and my neighbors with equally large lots can all hear him through my sealed house. That sucks because I feel like I'm disrupting the whole neighborhood if I open any windows.


I can definitely read when he might bite me, I'm just hoping there's something I could be doing better with him to make both of us less skittish. I'll post more up about specific topics after I do some digging B)


thanks again and great to meet all yall,


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Hi Mark, welcome here. Sounds like you've got a typical wonderful grey! They poop, they make a mess, they bite sometimes and they also make noise. A lot of this you have to deal with but of course with some training you and Paco might have a better relationship. The important thing to remember when dealing with the noise issue is to ignore sounds you don't like and praise the good ones. I'm sure you'll find a lot of helpful info on this forum.

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