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Oh the changes in my life!


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I'm sorry I've been away for a while. Life has been interesting to say the least. My best friend was the Rescue Director for our local Avian Society. Her life has taken quite a few turn of events, including the recent loss of her M2. Because of these issues, she's resigned from Rescue and I've taken over in her place.


I can't believe the number of birds that are being given up. In some ways, it's overwhelming. I guess people are losing their homes and jobs all over the place and their pets are being given up as a result. I have a good bit on my plate, including increasing the number of available foster homes I have. At the moment, I'm fostering 3 rescue birds - a 25 y/o RLA, 13 y/o BFA and a 15 y/o CAG. I got a call tonight. I need to pull one of our rescue birds from his foster home, but the foster parent is refusing the give the bird back. *sigh* I'll have to work on this issue tomorrow.


In any case.... I wanted to tell you about Larry. Larry is my 15 y/o CAG rescue. He came in with the BFA as an owner surrender. The "new wife" didn't like the BFA and for some reason that I didn't even bother asking her to elaborate, they both had to go.


I walk in to meet them and Larry immediately loks at me and says "Well HELLO there!" I responded with "hello". Then he says "you wanna come here?" I said "ok", and walked over to his cage, picked him up and proceeded to have a complete conversation. He looks at me and says "Wanna take a bath?" I recanted with "well not right now sweetie. Maybe tomorrow." So he replies with "Wanna eat". I said "Ok. Lets just get you home and safe and we'll do that." Later that evening, after he was all settled in, I put him in his cage and he looks at me and says "Goodnight. See ya later!" I had to chuckle as I walked out of the room. Such an interesting little guy!


Just for posterity, I've included pictures. I'm sure you're all wanting to see...





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Oh Larry is such a little man, what a cutie. I guess with the credit crunch hitting pets might be the first to go. They do say that parrots are the second most expensive animal to own.


I still can't believe the number of resuce places that exist. I think I am a bit sheltered here as we don't have anything like that.


I hope you find a good home for Larry, he seems to be such a sweety.

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Larry sounds adorable.You are doing a great job in rescue.I know that many people are finding things hard at the moment,job losses ect. It is so sad that often it is a beloved pet who needs to be rehomed because of finances.Parrots are expensive to keep properly and can suffer in these hard times.Sometimes it is the best thing for the pets to be rehomed if they can no longer be looked after properly . People like you give them a second chance.

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Thats wonderful Gina that you could take over for your best friend as the new Rescue Director, you are performing a much needed service as I can well imagine with today's economy the way it is.


Larry is a real sweetheart it seems, who wouldn't melt at that conversation you had with him, thanks for sharing a couple pictures of him with us and I look forward to hearing more about the adventures of Larry.

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It is wonderful and commendable that you could step up as the director of that rescue.


What a sweetheart Larry is and an obviously well socialized Grey that must have had a very good home before the man/wife issue arose. That's just so sad. But, the sunshine in this story is he had you at the rescue. :-)


Thanks for sharing this and do try to come back often and update us!!

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I want to thank everyone for their support. Being the Director is a tremendous amount of work and the same as a full time job...only I'm not paid to do it. It's strictly volunteer.


I spent my first week getting familiar with the paperwork that existed and creating new forms and guidelines when dealing with our birds in foster homes. You can imagine, with the number we've been getting in, foster homes are at a premium. I do have a team that was put together to take some of the pressure off though. However, the bulk of the job is mine. My position acts as Intake Director and Foster Liason. I'm the point of contact for the owner and their first option for assisstance.


My first line of defense is to try to work with the owner to resolve a problem so they don't have to give up their bird. Typically, if it's a behavior problem, it can usually be resolved so that the owner can have their pet back. This only works if they truly want to keep their bird though. If they're insistent, I just pick the bird up. Once they're in, I assess their situation and needs, arrange a vet visit for a complete checkup and place them in foster care by selecting a qualified home. Now there's where things get tricky. I can't put an aggressive macaw in a home with only conure experience.


Once the birds are in place, I physically have to check on them every month and evaluate their progress, work with the foster parents in handling any behavioral or medical issues and determine when that bird is adoptable so he can be listed on our website.


It IS a lot of work, but the rewards are plenty. However, my house has filled up FAST as a result of it. I have 8 parrots living here. 2 macaws, 1 severe, 3 amazons and 2 CAG's. "Social hour" amongst them is interesting! I'm so glad I have an ipod!

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that's a good question. Regret is a hard thing to live with. However, it's too bad. Even if Larry were to remain available for that long (which he won't in his perfect and awesome personality), he signed a contract that he cannot get the bird back once he handed him over. After 15 years, I don't think anyone could make me give up my pet. How heartless!


On the other hand, I have a great bird to foster who keeps me constantly entertained. It's a win-win for me. Someone is going to get a fine CAG in the end!

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