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my cog now laid 2 eegs? should i be concerned.


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just a update.


today i noticed my african grey laid another egg.


so shes laid 2 in last few days should i be concerned?


she laid the first egg 3 days ago and laid another today.


i have put some egg in her bowel which shes not really keep on, but she is eating the sunflower seeds which i heard are quite fatting but good for calcium.<br><br>Post edited by: jjcool, at: 2009/02/11 20:01

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Mabie try you should buy a cuddle bone and scrape some of it over her food. also broccoli and leafy greens are high in calcium. grapes have magnizium which is good to help matabolize the calcium other soft food like mashed sweet potato mixed with peas and cooked broccoli will also help her. She needs to eat really well right now while her body is produceing eggs. my birds prefer scrambled eggs more than any other kind I mix in a little plain yougart instead of milk and they gobble them down.

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just a update.


its been over a couple of weeks now as she still sits on the eggs.


im getting kina worried now as she has a lump by her neck, might be down to swelling due to sitting on the eggs for over couple weeks? anyone advize?.




i really dont like taking her eggs off her but im getting kinda worried about her sitting on them for so long i have had to do it.:unsure:


heres another picture of the swelling.


IMG_5103.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: jjcool, at: 2009/03/07 21:51

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what is a crop infection?


i have noticed she was pulling her chest feathers out and the part with the lump has gone bald, so might be a swelling due to her keep plucking her chest feathers.



and yes i will see if the lumps still the same in couple of days, now i have removed the eggs. if not i will book her in to see the vet.


i feel so guilty to be honest removing the eggs as she keep going to bottom of cage lookin for them.

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I agree, that does look like her crop. I would definitely get her to a vet. I know that may not be what you want to hear, but if it is staying swollen and it is her crop, it could be infection or it is not emptying properly. How does her poop look?


As far as the egg laying goes, I know they are supposed to lay an egg every other day until they fill their "clutch" or something like that. I am not an expert, just have read. I know it is also their instinct and a very strong one to sit on the eggs and if they are allowed to, they will sit on the eggs for the entire gestation period (even though the eggs might be infertile they don't know this). As far as whether they are allowed to sit on them, I think there is no sure answer, but I am not sure. I am debating the same thing with my cockatiel. It's like so sad to watch knowing she won't get to see them hatch, but then what do you do? It's also sad to take them away. The big concern during this period is calcium and also I have heard of birds dying while laying an egg, but I don't know much about this. Usually something triggers the egg laying, like warm weather or them taking their human companion's affection too seriously, something like that.


Please check on that swelling, though, that is concerning. Is there an avian vet in your area? I hope everything is okay.

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