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New Owner of a TAG


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Got my first parrot (Timneh African Grey) last friday, we think its a he, hes 17 week old and is fantastic.


I'm a little worried at the moment that I'm leaving him in his cage too long, I'll give a rough guide to what goes on:


0745 - Family get up and hes awake and starts his morning routine (usually drink and food)

0800-1000 - I'll take his food, water and fruit bowl away to clean and replenish, sometimes I'll let him out of the cage whilst I do this (though hes in a different room).


1000-1600 - Sometimes he'll eat till around 11-12 so I'll sit in the front room with him and watch TV. Usually I take him upto my room and play on the Xbox 360 or watch a film, he sometimes nods off and I like him to be in his cage when he sleeps, sudden movement or noise freaks him out.


1600-1900 - My little sister is normally watching TV in the same room although I don't let him out as I'm not there.


1900-2200 - Usually spent on my shoulder/arm/hand having a snuggle, preening my hair or just general mischief.


I try to get him in bed for 2200 so he gets a nice sleep, but it seems like he spends an hour or so climbing about the cage (usually to the bottom where the cover dosen't reach so he can see whats going on) and a little whistle now and again.


I'm just worried hes not spending enough time in company or out of his cage. I spend most of my time in my bedroom but its quite a small room.


Any tips?

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Hello Meadsy and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your Tag, have you named him yet?


I sounds like he is probably getting enough time out of his cage but you can allow him more time if you are at home, get a portable perch and put him on that and take him with you around the house as he does need at least 4 to 5 hours out a day.


If he is not settling down when you put him in for sleep you can either get something bigger to cover the cage so he cannot see out or get you a travel cage that you can use for a sleep cage and put it somewhere where he can have it quiet and darkness.


Some of the other members will give you some more ideas and suggestions for what you should or should not be doing.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of your Tag you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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judygram wrote:

Hello Meadsy and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your Tag, have you named him yet?


I sounds like he is probably getting enough time out of his cage but you can allow him more time if you are at home, get a portable perch and put him on that and take him with you around the house as he does need at least 4 to 5 hours out a day.


If he is not settling down when you put him in for sleep you can either get something bigger to cover the cage so he cannot see out or get you a travel cage that you can use for a sleep cage and put it somewhere where he can have it quiet and darkness.


Some of the other members will give you some more ideas and suggestions for what you should or should not be doing.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of your Tag you would like to share with us we would love to see them.




Yeah I've named him Fagan. At the moment I can't fault him in anyway whatsoever, my Dad had 2 Amazons and they were a right pair of screamers, my tag is just a dream, no noise, no screaming just the odd whistle for attention.


I have thought about getting him a smaller cage for nighttime use, maybe even placing that in my bedroom.


I do have some pictures which I will place up when I get chance. Thanks for making myself and Fagan welcome here :D

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BMustee wrote:

I would get a tree stand and when you are in your room have him out with you. It sounds like he's getting enough attention so you shouldn't be worried.


Thanks, I do worry about everything quite alot. I've heard about feather mutilation and it dosen't sound nice at all. With him being so young atm he dosen't really take to perches, he has a main perch in his cage. He usually likes to sit on my shoulder which I don't mind.


Any ideas on treats? At the moment I give him fresh fruit, but now I've started giving it to him regularly I want him to have a few tasty treats. I give him a chip when we have them for tea - usually 2 times a week.

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I think he would let you know if he wasn't happy, my bird seems to bite my family on days that he isn't out as much. He never bites me, but if he has had to be in his cage most of the day he tends to bite if someone tries to come to close to me. On the days that he is out all day he seems to want to play with them. Now as I say that on a normal day he is out of his cage for 8 hours throughout the day, not all at one time. If he seems happy to you then I wouldn't worry.

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Meadsy4742 wrote:

Also, just a quick question. When I bring my grey to my room, he likes to sit on the back of my chair and drift off, sometimes he dosen't raise a foot to his body, sometimes he just puts his feet as close together as possible. Should I be worried?


No need to worry. sometimes they raise one foot and sometimes they do not. It could be that on the back of the chair he feels like he has more grip with both feet down. They raise that foot to rest it so maybe sometimes it is just not tired.


Now a different scenario: If he was sitting around all fluffed up ALL the time, not very active and NEVER putting one of the feet up then I would worry.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/15 15:38

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