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My name is Michelle, a couple of years ago my roommate asked if she could bring her x-brother-in-law birds to the house because they were being neglected, left in the cage in a dark room no attention, ect... I said yes under trial situation with conditions that she care and clean up after the birds. She did neither but within a couple of days I had bought books toys and treats and began my relationships. Sheba was a 30 year old Cockatoo she is very affectionate and Greyson an 10 yr African Grey who is talkative but unsocial and bites. Only if startled off the cage and on the ground would she get up on finger. My roommate moved out and I took care of them for about a year. Then I had to move and could not take them to my new place. So they returned to the house owners brothers house. They remained there for about 2years. I recently got a place where I could have pets again. When I found out that the birds hadn't been out of the cage since I returned them I agreed to take care of them again. They seem real happy I guess. Greyson whistling and talking more and more. I haven't alot of experience with birds and I look forward to learning from of all you. I have lots of questions and look forward to healping these birds live happy healthy lives. I would not normally have birds as pets but they are better off with me then where they were. Any advice and suggestions would be appreciated and welcomed

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Hello Michelle, welcome here. I'm so glad you were able to take Sheba and Greyson back into your home and give them a second chance. Sounds like they really needed some love and attention.

Check out the different rooms on this forum for help with various topics, for instance the training room and food room...if you don't see what you are looking for just start a new topic and ask.

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kmz: What a great thing thing to do not once but twice. I'm glad the birds are with you and hope they stay in the great place they've found. I have a 3 yr. old tooo, and a grey. My too is acting just like a 3 year old these days and look forward for him to mellow.

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