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Dirty Pants


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Hi All!


I just wanted to share a quick story.


Almost everyday after work, my boyfriend gives Ash, our CAG, a "tour" of our condo. It's actually very cute to watch... he walks around and describes everything he sees and if she clicks or chirps, he responds.


Anyways... he was in the living room with Ash and I hear him yell "Get in here! Something's wrong with Ash!!"


I run over to him... and what do I see?


My boyfriend sitting on the floor panicking while holding Ash. His pants had chunks of Ash's partially digested dinner. :sick:


Ash had regurgitated on my boyfriend, but he didn't know it was a sign of affection. (I'm pretty sure she was regurgitating because she was pumping her head up and down, and not whipping side to side)


Now... instead of being grossed out, my boyfriend strutted around the house, taking every opportunity to show me the puke stain on his pants.:laugh:

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Tycos_mom wrote:

Thats soooo funny he'll be waiting for the bird to puke on him every nite now. and when she/he doesn't he'll be whinning that she doesn't love him anymore.:laugh:


Hahahaha... I can totally see him whining!


Thanks for reading everyone. :kiss:


I have to admit... I'm kinda jealous. I probably do 95% of the work taking care of Ash... and HE'S the one she loves!

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judygram wrote:

OMG, what is the world coming to when a man is proud of a puke stain on his pants, ROFLMAO:woohoo: :sick: :woohoo:


Just a quick note - there are Marines around this forum.....wouldn't be the first time we were proud of puke on our pants......:laugh: :P

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