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A little advise please


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There is an African Grey Congo loose near my house. I don't know who it belongs too but everyday when I am driving into town I see it either in a tree or on a telephone wire. He has lost his tail feathers somehow but I can tell they are starting to grow back I can see little red paint bush looking feathers on his rear end. He's quite a large bird and is fully flighted. I've tryed a few times to coax him down from the tree or wire but he either sits there and looks at me or fly's away. I'm worried because we have so many Eagles and Hawks around here. If you have any Ideas on how to get him to come to me I would welcome any and all advise. Ive tryed food but that isn't working. I even tryed some cheese thinking that no bird can refuse a peice of cheese. But its not working. I've put up ads at the store and gas station where I live and also put an add in the local news paper. I've had no responce so far.

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Sometimes, the local fire department will help especially if they think there might be an electric problem with exposed wires. That's what happened in Florida with many quakers. No matter what you do, you should insist that you're the owner of the bird until you get it. Then you can start your search for the actual owners. Also, Animal Control has the equipment to rescue animals in trees.

Coaxing it down--an open doored cage in the general vicinity with all sorts of junk food ( Not Macs) in it sometimes attracts birds. Nuts, sugared berries etc. If you do put a cage out, make sure the bird is around watching you and also make sure he can see you putting all those goodies in the cage. If you have some sort of bird CD that has parrots making all sorts of squawking noises on it, you can try using that to get the bird's attention. Wish I could help more.

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Thanks for the suggestions I have a small travel cage that I'll take with me tomorrow. I wish Tyco was harness trained I would take her with me. I could take Fergie with me

she is harrness trained. do you think that would help or make things worse. I wish I knew where she/he came from. It only 5 miles to the US border as the crow flies he could very well of come up to canada from there and if thats the case his owners will never see the ads I put up. He' a very strong flyer thats for sure. I watched him fly yesterday and he was out of my sight in a couple seconds. He flew accross a open field and dissapeared

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I don't feel that taking your own bird out will do any good. Any kind of good reaction from that bird will normally start when you're not around. If the bird flies away from you all the time, having your bird with you won't make any difference. Check foods in the cage. See if anything is messed up. See if the water has been soiled. Some will jump in the water accidently and dirt from the feet may remain. Hang a small bell in the cage close to a corner. If you're around and the bird is around or in the cage, the bell may ring giving you some sort of signal. But you should also set yourself up for possible disappointment. Some birds can't be retrieved once they're flying all over the place going where they please. One major thing you have going for you is that the bird constantly returns to an area where you can easily see him. Try out different things and see what happens.

If you're not bothered by other wild animals such as squirrels, take a plastic platter and set that up in front of the cage and also put all sorts of foods in it but understand that other birds may also enjoy your meal. Open platters of food imitate what a grey does in the wild which is to come down to scavenge what's on the ground.

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I been working at trying to coax this bird for about a week and a half. Mabie he's been out there to long now and doesn't want to be a pet anymore. I just worry because he is living with lots and lots of Eagle and hawks. sometimes when you drive by there are flocks of eagles in every tree. We have so many of them there are always people out there taking pictures of all the eagles. I watched a Eagle take down a Seagull the other day. I hope that Grey finds a home before he gets killed. I will phone the bird sancuary tomorrow mabie they can do something about this.

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Yikes! Poor little guy.:dry: That is one disadvantage of belonging to an internet forum where we're all scattered across the earth. If we were neighbors I'm sure we'd all gather together and help you rescue him. Thank you for your efforts to help him and please keep us posted. :)


Karma to you!

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