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new pics of Tyco


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Thank you all for your comments. Tycos hatch day is comeing up on the 28th of February its hard to beleve that I've had her for a year and a half already. She will be 6 years old on her hatch day. Any Ideas for a special present for her would be greatly appreciated. WHAT DO YOU BUY A BIRD THAT HAS EVERYTHING???:woohoo:

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oh yea Judy she definatly rules the roost around here. There definatly isn't a timid bone in Tyco's body. She is so bossy when it comes to the dogs. She loves to tease them. She calls them over by name in the sweetest way she can and if they do come she will try her very hardest to give them a little nip. I guess she thinks its funny. i'm alway's warning my dog that they better move quick so they don't get bit. her favorite spot to bite them is they're ears:laugh:

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She is just a beauty and she looks very healthy! Does she have a cargo net to play on? I don't have one yet but after seeing pics of other greys enjoying theirs I've been thinking about one. Also, www.birdyboredombusters.com has some neat creative toys- you might find something on there you like and they had great customer service. Just some ideas for the hatchday celebration.

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