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my african grey started plucking chest feathers?


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hi there.


just some advice please.


i have had my african grey for couple years now.


he had a bad feather plucking problem when i had him on his back. but the stopped and now his feathers on his back have grown back.


question is over the last couple of days i have noticed hes been going to the bottom of his cage and pulling his chest feathers out and now he has a bald patch.


anyone know why he might be doing this?


only thing i have chnaged is i have had my dog in our living room last couple of days as shes uselly in the kitchen could it be maybe this?


or could it be somethink else? anythink to lok out for ?

anyone please advize.



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just a update i need some advice


maybe i have found out why hes been quiet and pulling cheat feathers.


i just noticed hes laid a egg on bottom cage???


i thought he was male since i bought him?


is laying a egg normal? hows it possible if theres only him in cage?


as hes never done this before?


can someone advize please as pretty shocked to see hes laid at the bottom of cage and sat by the egg?


shocked!!!!:ohmy: :ohmy:

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Oh my, your he is really a she, now we are getting somewhere. I would imagine she was pulling those feathers out of her chest for padding for the egg.


It is perfectly normal for a female to lay an egg even if they don't have a male with them, the egg just won't be fertile. I would just leave the egg with her as she may lay another or two and then leave them for about 28 days then remove them and whatever she used for a "nest" to discourage her from doing it all over again.


I can imagine you are shocked that you thought you had a he and now you know you have a she but she is just doing what comes naturally but you want to discourage any further egg laying as it will deplete her calcium levels.

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thanks judygram , thanks for putting my mind to rest, i was indeed shocked as i had him ( now her) 2 years and shes nver laid a egg before :ohmy:


ok i will lave it in the cage, how do i go about changing the paper at bottom where the egg is as i heard it can stress them if you touch the egg.<br><br>Post edited by: jjcool, at: 2009/02/08 21:26

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ok just a update:


been keeping a eye on my african grey and noticed shes stopping at the bottom of cage with egg siting on the egg and trying to push it underneith her,


i have covered her over and left her in piece,


also put some cheese in her bowl.

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Be careful of giving her too much cheese and make it cheddar cheese.


That is a sticky situation to change her paper without disturbing the egg, very carefully is my best guess.


Do keep us informed of any new developments like another egg and maybe some of the other members will have some ideas for you too.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 years later...

I do not know if my Perry(CAG) is starting to pluck,he has no bald spots,but when I shower him well,his chest at his keel bone is very thin now, where it never was. He is 15 months old and has just started a pretty intense molt, feathers of all sizes everywhere on his body, and new blood feathers coming out in tail and wings and body. Could this thinning be part of his molt. He is a very content bird, not frigidity or paranoid and does many tricks each day. In fact i was laid off my job 3 months ago and I am home with him all day and he is out of his cage way more each day(maybe he likes me gone at work all Day) although he is very attached to me!. Hope it is just his molt, any thoughts?, Brent

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