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To get or not get an African Grey


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>>I must say, that I DISAGREE with so much of what you say, but I won't debate it here with you. You are WRONG with many of your statements on your reply. Yes, there are some cases as you state in your blog, but it is not the "norm". >>


That's fine, Talon. You're free to disagree all you want. But it doesn't really further the discussion just to type DISAGREE and WRONG in uppercase letters.

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but I won't debate it here with you


I do not think she wanted to discuss it further, maybe not at all or just not on this thread, that is up to her.


But that is the beauty of forums like this, we are all humans and as such we all have our opinions whether they are right, wrong, or indifferent. These forums give us the opportunity to express our opinions. We just need to make sure that we express them in a civilized manor (not saying that anyone was not being civilized).

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I do believe I have enough time for a CAG, I don't believe I have enough time for a TOO, that's why I wanted to do my research. They gorgeous birds toos are, They're super sweet when seeing them in stores, but I don't think it'll be as fun when I make it mine. I think a CAG would be better for me.

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I think that is a good choice. At one point my fiancee and I were going to rescue a Lesser-Citron Crested Cockatoo and I found that site while we were thinking about it. I decided that I will just try to be the best parront to the AGs I already have and if I ever find a AG that is in need of rescuing, then I will debate that when I get to that point.

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Yeah, I don't want to harm a cockatoo with not being able to give it as much attention as it craves! I'm probably going to stick with my one true desire! a CAG :) I can not WAIT to be apart of the CAG owners and be able to say that my grey is my child! They are so fun! for the short 2 months I had the one, which wasnt even mine, I LOVED it. It was always with me!

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KyleA wrote:

Yeah, I don't want to harm a cockatoo with not being able to give it as much attention as it craves! I'm probably going to stick with my one true desire! a CAG :) I can not WAIT to be apart of the CAG owners and be able to say that my grey is my child! They are so fun! for the short 2 months I had the one, which wasnt even mine, I LOVED it. It was always with me!


This is certainly an interesting conversation. While reading everything I kind of did an internal check of my own feelings and realized just how much I love my CAG Bella. While I think the TOOs are lovely birds, Bella has my heart tightly in her little claw. When ever I watch her, I simply can't get over her beauty and intelligence. She is so "present" in everything that is going on in the family. She really is a steadfast companion. I love my little conure, Jiggy as well, but that poor little guy just can't keep up with Bella when it comes down to being a central point in the family. Bella engages everyone instantly, whether it's the dogs, friends, family - she manages to grab the show and hold on to it. When she flies around the house she's now like a sleek F16 taking corners and angles with a skill and agility that just makes me stop and watch her. All I have to do is hold my arm up and she jets in with an elegant landing. Even though her claws are extended when she lands, her grip is so gentle and so loving, you can clearly tell she's being careful not to hurt me. I could go on and on :laugh: Can you tell I love her so much?

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Kyle, karma to you for really thinking this through. My first reaction to your situation was to advise you to wait until you are older to make a comittment to a grey, but reading thorugh all the posts I've kind of changed my mind. Yes it's true that life tends to be more turbulent when we're young but we all know that life can turn on a dime for better or worse no matter what age we are. All that we can do as grey owners is to make the best possible life for our birds no matter what is happening in our lives and it seems to me that you would make your bird's needs a priority.


Keep in mind they're not all like Bella, and as much as we love stories from the Bella and Jiggy show, I for one am glad to have a bird that's a little more laid back. I think, just like people, there are nature vs nurture issues. Bella seems to have been born with a real "let's put on a show" character, and found a home where that nature is loved and encouraged. My Dorian is basically a very shy but resilient little guy. Many birds who had similar lives prior to him coming to me have become pluckers but, knock wood, he's a happy healthy boy.


Find a bird that choses you as its' person, do everything to give it the best start in it's life with you, and then set about discovering it's personality. One thing is for sure, you'll never be bored:cheer:

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Thank you acappella! I appreciate your support! I am definitely going to make the bird my priority! I just can't wait until I get it in the summer so that I can spend AS MUCH TIME WITH IT AS POSSIBLE when I first bring it home. I've already been talking to a breeder that I really like because i like how he socializes and interacts with his birds. all of his birds site on open perches next to each other all around his store and they NEVER move and HARDLY even make noise. Which brings up a question. would it ever be safe to leave an african grey on an open perch basically unattended? I know the breeder at the store I go to always leaves his birds on open perches even when he isnt there! and they never do anything! ordinarily I would even say that it's not a good idea to leave ANY bird unattended but I'm curious if anyone out there does this with any positive outcome. Thanks again everyone! I cannot WAIT to be a "Parront"! :) :)

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Hi Kyle,


I do not think its a good idea to leave a AG unattended. Bella is for example FAR TOO curious about everything and would only need a few seconds to get into some serious trouble. Heck, she gets into trouble sitting right next to me (like getting hold of my lipstick and making a royal mess every where :blink: ). Luckily she follows me every where I go and if she doesn't, I have her step up and hop on to my shoulder. In each room she has a place to perch while I'm in that room.


In terms of your breeder, what kind of socializing have you observed? I really looked a long time for a breeder I was comfortable with - I ended up going with K&K Parrots - two lovely nurses who provided so much love and care to all the birds that it was easy to interact with them. When I got Bella she knew how to step up on both my hand and on a perch, she was confident and snuggly and she also knew what "no bite" meant.




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wow! you have a really good bird! you really are lucky! well, his birds for one are QUIET, even his macaws. I also found out that he buys his birds directly from other breeders as BABIES and then HE weans them himself and interacts with all the birds. I just like how he acts towards the birds and tells them to not bite and to step up and all that. He just really enjoys what he does and enjoys raising the babies and helping people out with their parrots

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Let me get this straight. The breeder you speak of actually buys unweaned chicks from a breeder and then weans them himself? Have you ever seen the parents or the actual breeders of the birds he buys?

Why are you calling him a breeder?

Is the owner of the store the only person that buys from the wholeseller? Do you have any idea if he's a mass producer of parrots? So, you think a macaw is not a noisy bird? The macaw is the loudest bird concerning squawking and the cockatoo is the loudest bird concerning screeching.

They won't act that way all day long from morning til night in a store but are you in the store all day long from morning to night?

All types of parrots need a steady life style in a person's home before their true traits show themselves. There is no such thing as a quiet macaw unless it's sick.

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well, I know he has a breeder he buys them from because he enjoys weaning the babies, he's a really cool guy. But I also like k&kparrots. if you go to their site they seem very great! They're prices are just a little more expensive, which i'm willing to pay, but im not sure how i feel about shipping a bird all the way out here to AZ! :blink:

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Kyle, did you ever check to see if there was a breeder somewhere in your area or in the state of Arizona or even a nearby state that had any grey babies? There are breeders in every state and you just have to find them, that way you wouldn't have to ship the bird, you could handle a several hour drive to get a baby grey couldn't you?


We do have some members here who bought their baby out of state and had them shipped to them, some had a good experience and several had a less than desirable one, the ideal is to get local enough that you can get your baby by driving to get them, they usually handle a car ride with no problem.

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