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Duck or TAG?


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The other day we heard our female TAG (Saphira) quacking like a duck. My fiancee swore that she sounded just like a duck quacking, but it is the middle of winter and not many ducks can live in -30 degrees. So I could not figure out how she would have picked up a duck quack.


My fiancee and I were watching TV lastnight and an AFLAC commercial came on and Saphira started quacking again. I think she picked up the quack from AFLAC commercials. I guess she has taken a liking to the AFLAC duck.


Think AFLAC wants a new spokesmodel??? I do not think it would be hard to teach her to say AFLAC after she quacks. And she waddles like a duck when she walks.<br><br>Post edited by: Sallas, at: 2009/02/08 03:18

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That is funny Sallas!!


Hey, a different spin on your Grey being used in an AFLAC commercial. Could be to have your Grey come out and quack like a duck. Then follow through with her doing a speech on how many converts are coming over to AFLAC from unexpected regions, peoples and creatures in the world. You just never know when you may have an incident......... It's a Jungle out there. :-)


Thanks for sharing this!!

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