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Indy came home!


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Finally picked Indy up from the airport today! Despite a 6 hour flight, he was cool as a cucumber and eager to meet us. the drive from the airport tired him a little though. When we got home, he was trying to "beak" me, and me, being used to my mature senegals who can be a little nippy when they want to- kept jerking my hand away- which in turn made him nervous. But once I relaxed and let him feel my hand- we had a "moment" and we're okay. He's in his cage now happily playing with his toys!


I'm trying to post pictures but I cant get them resized!




Post edited by: edillon5063, at: 2009/02/07 04:19<br><br>Post edited by: edillon5063, at: 2009/02/07 04:28

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Couldn't resist posting some more pics- hope these post right and not HUGE- I think I resized them right! He's doing okay- the vet put him on antibiotics for some bacteria in his mouth. He tolerates me handling him- but doesn't really want to snuggle. I guess that's normal since he's only been here 2 days right? He "baby talks" a lot though, and he loves his toys!


Post edited by: edillon5063, at: 2009/02/09 01:23


Post edited by: edillon5063, at: 2009/02/09 01:24<br><br>Post edited by: edillon5063, at: 2009/02/09 01:26

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I'm glad that Indy is home safe and sound and he is a nice looking grey, some just do not like much snuggling but it could be it just takes a little more time for him to feel comfortable with you so just be patient.


Thanks for sharing those pics with us and feel free to post more when you feel like it, we enjoy looking at pics.

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