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Picking up my TAG.....questions


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Hello All

From what I've read, each parrot is different but for the most part is the following ok?

When I bring him/her home, put her in her cage and leave her alone for a day or so. During this time, speak softly, sit by her cage and continue to live life. I should know when she settles in and then begin to start working with her.

Does this sound correct?


I pick her up tomorrow.

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My breeder actually handled my bird a lot so she told me to hold him right away as long as he was comfortable, but just not to over due it since he was a baby he needed lots of rest she actually thought if I just left him there for a few day and he wanted to be held he could be more scared because he wasn't used to being in a cage all day. I'm not sure what the others would say but for me I handled him from day one and he has never been scared of us or comming out of his cage he is a kisser and a cuddler and I personally think he would go crazy if he was left in his cage to long. Anyway this may be somthing to ask the breeder. (How much handling he/she is used to).

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Hi Robert, when I picked up my baby grey two months ago, today is her 6 month birthday, the breeder told me to cuddle her and handle her because that was what she was use to having done. That my baby would need to know she belonged because she had just lost her siblings and what she was use to. So I cuddled and played with my baby, keeping in mind that she was a baby and also needed a lot of rest. I believe it is different when you bring a baby grey home, they are lost and lonely and need to find a new flock, that should be you and your family. My Ana Grey comes to me and pulls at my fingers if she wants a skritch on the head, she trusts me and I try not to break that trust. We are bonded. Ask your baby grey's breeder lots of questions about what your grey's schedule is. What he is fed and his eating,sleeping, etc. routine. Please let us know how things go when you get your new baby home. And pictures please!!

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When we brought Spencer home on Jan 14, we held him a lot, but now we have to take him to the bedroom to hold him because he always flies back to the top of his cage. He is almost 5 months old.



Ralph<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/02/07 08:00

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Just go with the flow and see how your new Grey acts once you get him home. Each is different in how they take a move to their new forever home.


Some will be climbing the cage walls chirping for your attention and others will be much more reserved as they get used to their new cage, home and people.


Looking forward to hearing how the first day went. :-)

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Ihave quite a few birds and have had lots of baby's over the years. I have found that most baby birds really need that initial love of being held and cuddled as soon as they come home. Older birds sometimes prefer to sit back and watch for a day or two but not baby's I think a baby needs the extra security after being separated from it's sibblings and the only home it's ever known. Please don't just leave him locked up and feeling deserted it could be devastating for h.

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