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Will he ever be the same???


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My wonderful grey, Smokey, had to go to the vet on Thursday. He busted a blood feather and had to have it plucked out.:( He also had two others that the vet was concerned about so he pulled them too and put him on some antibiotics. He is normally a very happy, noisy, playful, and loving bird. He always wants to be out of his cage and with my husband and I. However, since he had this vet experience he will not come out of the cage without coaxing by food.:evil: He is eating well and looks great. Will he get over this? Is he just pouting because he is rotten and knows he can???:P Also just curious when some of your greys started talking. Smokey was 1 year old this past August. He whistles like crazy, mocks every beep in the house, but he is not talking yet? Thanks!!

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""" Is he just pouting because he is rotten and knows he can???""""


He's not being rotten. He's had a shitty experience in an area that can affect birds for a while. many birds come home from a vet visit and they don't act the same for a while. Thursday was just yesterday. Your vwet may have thandled the situation a little too rough for the bird. Doesn't make him a bad vet though. he'll definitely come around as soon as he knows the vet visit won't happen soon afgain. Their cage is their home and they come around and back to normal behavior best when they can do it fom the safety of the cage. Don't get overly pushy with him. What's going on is an everyday occurance with some birds after a vet visit. remember that your bird had to be put upside down and grabbed while the vet did his job. Most birds who have their flight feathers pulled out don't need antibiotics though but if your vet said to give them, then give them. Many people know how to remove flight feathers at home and no drugs are used afterward. The only thing needed is an item( powder to stop any extra blood from comin out--Similar to what a dog goes through when he gets his claw cut to short and blood comes out.

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I always give mine a little space and time in their cage (doors open so if they choose they can comeout) when we come back from the vet. Sometimes they're fine right away, sometimes they want more TLC from me and sometimes they want to just sit and sulk for awhile.


Any behavior after a vet visit should just be observed as you might get a good indication of what makes him feel comfortable. In this case it's being in his cage and I think that's just fine.


As to the question of talking, I think it's just like kids. Some are really early, some are around 1, some are later, and some really never do much. It's very individual. I have a male ekkie known for also being good talkers and he hasn't spoken a word (in English, at least) in 11 years. He's my best little cuddlebird though and has the cutest little "coos" ever.



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