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New CAG-Sick


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Hello everyone, I got a new CAG, not the 5 month old I had planned but a 2cond hand one. His name is Bubba. Bubba started coughing the second day I had him, this is the 3rd day. I got his meds last night and he is having short coughs not like last night the long choking coughs. He is not tame but seems calm. I think he has been kept in a small cage for a long time and on the floor with cage bangers. He he is frightened he will crouch like a dog. So far only a single whistle other than that he just watches us all. He has started to look at my face when I talk to him which is good. I love the look he has like, "this must be a new friend" he looks like he wants a friend..now you all are going to think me nuts! Any guesses on his age?




Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/02/06 07:51<br><br>Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/02/10 09:54


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I'm not sure what you mean by coughing, unless he is imitating a human cough he learned where he was before?


Your not crazy, every living being wants a friend and it seems he is starting to pick up that you are interested in him and giving him a much better home and flock to stay at than he had previously.


Age is impossible to tell unless they are under 3 years old. Then you can go by eye color and get with in 6 months or so for age.

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Parrots/birds cannot cough. They do not have a diaphram like we humans do. Any cough you hear come out of a Parrot is a learned sound.


Shaking his head could be a behaviour. Is he sneezing? They can sneeze and do at times.


Are his Nares clear and appear normal?


You also said you were giving hime medicine. Did a vet prescribe it or did you get an over the counter medicine?

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More like a cough, I called the vet and described it to him and he gave me a name to buy from the vet pharmacy where I live because the vet is nearly 2 hours away and would have been closed by the time I got there. Anyway I do see improvement. No discharge, he looks clean. The first day he sneazed about 4 times and I was thinking I needed to pay attention to it, then the next morning he was coughing.

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Well it's good to hear your seeing an improvement and there is no discharge. :-)


It is good to hear also that he is warming up to your attention each day. He needs you as bad as you want him to become a close companion. it wil just take some time for him to trust you commpletely and know that he is in a safe and loving place.


Looking forward to hearing updates on him and how the progress is going. :-)

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Hope Bubba is doing better today...he seems cute and Im sure with enough love and care he will open up soon...


As for the age, I know that when his eye color changes as he gets older, starting from almost black on birth to dark grey 3 to 6 months of age to light grey around one year then to almost yellow he gets more than 2 years old. After that some people can tell by looking at the beak, but Im not really sure how that is done...

Take care of him and enjoy

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A much older bird eventually loses the left to right crack that's located about 1/4 inch above the tip of the upper beak. That happens after a lot of wear and tear and lots of scratching and filing on rough surfaces. The shiny black beak eventually turns dark gray with a million scratches in it. But because that happens with much older birds checking a beak can't give any age of the bird.

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Well Welcome to Bubba! He looks like he's in pretty good feather. More pictures would be fantastic! (not to try to guess age, just because we love pics! :-)).


What, if anything, do you know about his history? Did you get him from an individual or through a store? Any idea of how many homes he has had or what his diet was like or what his housing situation was?


Even though the vet is a couple hours away, I would definitely recommend getting in for a wellness check and baseline work.


Give him plenty of time and space and "ambient", soft attention. It sounds like he's coming around slowly and is just adjusting to you and his new home. Having rehomed an older one myself, I can only hope you have as good an experience as I have. I can't imagine life without Kenya. Please keep us posted on the "coughing" and how he's adjusting.



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Thanks everyone for the replies. I have had a very heavy heart and took Bubba back to the shop, I gave the keeper the meds and bought a Temnah and named him Sinbad.


I called this morning and Bubba has improved, which I am so happy. I only have the living room to keep him and my other grey is here, my cockatoo is in another room. I was worried about my other CAG, Pepper getting sick. Eveything is for a reason and I think it all happened for the good, the Temneh I got is one of the best birds I have ever had! He looks rough, supposed to be molting. I have not seen him pluck. He's just the sweetest thing. My CAG seems to like him, I brought them close and she made soft sounds and said Hello..LOL so funny, they shook beaks and touched tongues, I hope they will be able to be good friends.

I also wanted to mention that I take the birds to the vet when needed, but it was our weekend in K.S.A. and they were only open a half day and the next would be closed, so I had to just get him some meds.

Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/02/10 10:06<br><br>Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/02/13 07:47


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