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my new baby


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My new baby Reiki is giving me a challenge she ( I don't know if it is a girl yet) has begun biting and i've tried alot of different things. I have 2 older birds that I have had for a few years and they were not a baby when I got them so I have never delt with a baby grey before. She has actually charged at my daughter and has bit her nose. She likes my daughter, she usually likes everyone but lately has been biting. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! I would really like her to be a nice friendly bird like my other ones.:evil:

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How old is the bird? How old is your daughter? How big is the cage? What is around when she bites? Have you moved anything in the room? What colors are you wearing when she bites? Have you changed anything? Hair color hair style?

Is someone standing to close to your daughter when she bites?

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Guest Monique

If you will click on the "Understanding Your Grey" tab up above I have just added an article about how to deal with Biting Greys.


For everyone, if you have any suggestions or feedback on the article I would be most grateful. We get this question so much, and there are so many possibilities to the problem, I thought adding the article may be helpful. Thank you.

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