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Lazy birds


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I have a 6 year old CAG and 2 months ago acquired a 6 month old Quaker. My grey is a plucker and the vet thought having another bird might help by giving her a friend for when I'm gone. So far they're not exactly buddies but tolerate each other for the most part. During supervised "play" time they may preen one another but usually one gets mad and they start snapping at each other. The main thing I've noticed is that neither one likes to play with anything. All they do is sleep and eat! I have tons of toys but they could really care less about them. The only ones they pay any attention to are ones with food or treats in them. My grey is so lazy that if it's a lot of work to get a treat out, she just gives up. I buy her almonds in the shell but she just tosses them to the ground after about 30 secs and I have to crack them a little bit so she'll be able to get it out easier.


How do I get them more active and/or interested in their toys? I was under the impression quakers were supposed to be so active and playful. Mine's a lazy bum! I got him a shredding tunnel and everything to make a nest as I've heard this is something they all do (except for him). Any suggestions here?



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My CAG is not very active or playful either. She just mainly wants to sit on my shoulder and have her head scratched. I have tried to play games with her but she loses interest after only a few minutes.


Mine does not like nuts either. She does not care for a lot of toys that you would think she would. She does not like large toys. She likes smaller things with beads on them. Also she will play with paper if I cut it just right.


They are all different and you may just have to experiment to find out what kind of toy he likes. I make most of mine or I will buy large toys and take them apart and use the part to make the kind I know she likes.


Are you in Ky. Where? I am in Nicholasville right outside Lexington.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/06 02:10

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I got my grey last July and he was 12 years old. He didn't know how to play with toys either. I would spend tons of money on great toys for him to play with but he could care less or so it seemed. After asking for advice I was told was probably never taught HOW to play with toys. The advice I got was to play with the toys in front of them first and laugh and act like the toys are the best things that ever happened:woohoo: Let him see you playing with them, eventually his/her curiousity will get the best of them. I did that and I also hung some toys on the outside of the cage and on the inside too. Not too many at one time though. I started playing with the toys inside his cage. Baxter didn't show much interest but I played with them anyway and made laughing noises, etc. I'm sure I looked like an idiot but hey I will do anything for my flock;) :silly: :whistle: The progress started out slow, he would occassionaly grab a toy I was playing with with his foot but let it go quickly. He might watch me but he actually seemed embarrassed to play with them. Anyway, I did this probably ever day, play with his toys whether he was interested or not. Some days he did show interest. After several weeks I started hearing little clinking noises which was odd to me and I would peek around the corner (so I wouldn't be seen:whistle: ) and there he was playing with his toys. It took a long time, forever it seemed but eventually he started playing with toys, not real all out playing but on occassion he would even get aggressive with them and really seem to get into it. Now, he still doesn't play with toys all the time but I do find several times a week, usually when he doesn't think I am looking, the little sneak will play with his toys:laugh: He doesn't play with them as often as I'd like and I do try different ones but atleast he does play with them now.


The thing I have the most luck with is cardboard boxes or anything cardboard. He will chew and chew and chew for hours. Those are better than toys according to him:P It keeps him occupied forever!!!

I have given him the cardboard oatmeal cannisters, cereal boxes, cracker boxes and corrugated boxes. A couple other things are old magazines rolled up and tied or even just a paperback book. If he's not used to those, tear a few pages over and over in front of him in little shreds. He will eventually get the idea. I had to teach Baxter about tearing paper but he really liked that and caught on quick.

But yes, my bird was lazy and lacked interest in everything. He's still isn't a real active grey but he is playing now. Just play with him or let him watch you play with his toys and don't give up. If you haven't tried cardboard boxes I would definately give that a try. Start with small boxes at first and then you can gradually go up in size you want.


Just keep in mind if they've never been taught to play and it didn't come naturally for whatever reason they just may not know how but it can be taught:) , Good luck!<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/02/06 04:09

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Thanks for the ideas. I have noticed it's the "non-toys" she has the most interest in, like cardboard boxes or cereal boxes, and paper. She loves to shred paper but loses interest after a few minutes. I put a hole in a phonebook and hung it up in her cage which was a big hit for a little while. Almonds are definitely her favorite treat so I have plenty of foraging toys where she has to figure out to how open them to get the nuts out.


The quaker on the other hand doesn't have much interest in anything but food. I've tried every type of toy but he's not interested. He does like jewelry, but only if you're wearing it. He goes after rings, bracelets, earrings, glasses, anything you have on. I've tried putting shiny objects in his cage but he could care less.




P.S. Char, yes, I'm from Louisville.


I will try showing them the toys and demonstrating how to play with them. Maybe that's all they need.

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Yes sometimes they just do not know how to play.Usually curiosity gets the better of them if they see you enjoying the toys, this also works well with new food.My grey has what I call his mad half hour where he will bang his toys around like crazy and swing off his ring toy.He is then quite happy to sit and watch what is going on or doze.

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