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not sure whats going on.


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Hey everyone. Well my grey, Gandalf AKA big bird wasnt treated very well by the people who owned him before us. they never held him because they were afraid of him, and they didnt communicate with him much. we have had him for 3 years and the whole 3 years he has liked nobody but my dad. he doesent like stepping up but he will do it every now and then. well i have been really trying so hard to get him to like me, so i have been talking to him all the time and stuff. well earlier this week i was doing the normal talking softly to him and just sitting by his cage, while he was on top of it on one of his outside-the-cage perches, he started making this really strange squeeking noise and putting his foot out like he wanted to step on me, so i put my hand up and sure enough he stepped up, didnt even try to bite me (something he doesent hesitate to do, very painful might i add) then he pushed his wings way down and started really forcefully shaking his bum while he was making this strange noise. he then started regurgitating like no other and kept it up for a good 10-15 minutes. i put him back on top of his cage and left, he crawled down and ran over to me with his head down, wanting me to scratch the top of his head. i didnt though because he has done that to me before and tricked me, put his head down for me to scratch then when i do it he turns really fast and bites. well anyways later that night i tried it again and he has been doing this with me for the past few days. What is going on?? is he finally starting to trust me? what should i do to keep it up and get him to let me hold him without him flying down to the ground?

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Steve is right, he has chosen you as his mate, the wings lowered, tail shaking, regurgitating for you and making those sweet little noises means he is in love and wants to make babies. Just ignore his behavior and try to distract him to something else for you know that nothing can ever come from it.

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It's true Gandalf loves you, congratulations! There is a book called THE PARROT WHO OWNS ME by Joanna Burger which is a cute read about such a relationship between an internationally renowned ornithologist, Joanna Burger, and her Red-lored Amazon, Tiko. Be gentle with Gandalf, you are his first love, let him down gently.


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