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bubble foamy poop....


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Hi all,

I have spoke to some of you about Lilo's poops. Lately, he’s poops has contained bubbles; Sometimes I don’t see any feces at all just urine and urates with bubbles/foam on top.


I took him to the vet yesterday and did an over all check up and some basic stool exam. The Vet said that Lilo seems fine base on these basic check ups, but for the more detail exam, he will have to send sample of his stool to a lab (which will cost about $300). So I thought I will come home and observe him for another day or two before I submit his stool samples to the lab since he has been eating playing and sleeping as usual.


I have been looking at his poop ever since we got back and they still contain bubbles. I have decided to submit his stool to the lab tomorrow.

I m just wondering if anybody has the same experience with your bird poops with bubbles or anybody has any knowledge about bird infection such as clostridium?

What is the cause and what do they usually do to cure it?

Any information will be very helpful! Thanks!!

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If you bird only has urates and bubbles with no actual poop in it, something is definitely wrong.


Did the vet mention clostridium?


That would be a terrible disease for your Grey to have. some of the symptoms would be weight loss, lethargic behavior, decreased appetite, and blood stained or undigested food.


Simple Gram stains can sometimes determine if your bird has this disease and it does not cost 300. But, if your vet already tried that, then the additional and expensive testing is required.


Exactly what did your vet tell you? The reason I ask, is if he suspects clostridium, you should have the tests done ASAP.

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I went online myself and searched for "bubble in poops" and found this website


It says "Bubbly not good, you should watch for a couple of bathroom habits that could mean big trouble. For one, droppings that contain any bubbles or foam probably indicate an infection such as clostridium."


The Vet didnt mention Clostridium.

He said that Lilo seems fine but he will not say he is "healthy" untill we send his stool to the lab.

Lilo doesn't have any of those symptoms that you mentioned either. And he has been pooping bubbles for nearly 5 days now... He just dropped a big pile of poop with feces urine and urates still contained some bubbles in it. But it looks much better than the earlier poops...Should I just go ahead with further testing? or give him a few more days??

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This may sound gross, but could you post an image of a poop that you are trying to describe right after it happens?


I know you don't want to spend the money for nothing, but this may not be nothing. If nothing else it would atleast give you peace of mind and if something is amiss, it will be caught earlier and treatment could begin sooner.


I still would like to know what your vet thinks of the bubbles in the poop and if he recommended getting the tests. Thats where I would put and base my actions on if I were you.


It's really hard and dangerous for the bird, for us being online and guessing in what a problem maybe be or how serious it may be and trying to advise you in what to do.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/02/05 23:54

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no dan, Its not gross at all :) I love to share! Here is a fresh one.



See those bubbles right next to that long string of fece? And a bubble here and there on top also.

Sorry about the paper I used to catch it. I should have used one that is more water proof to prevent water seeping through. Let me know if you can see the picture alright tho..


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So you are saying his stool doesnt look normal and it cause concerns right?


By the way, the Vet didn't "recommand" the lab test. He was kind of passive saying that "if you guys want to ...you can..." He pretty much left it up to us.<br><br>Post edited by: LilosMom, at: 2009/02/06 02:20

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Whisper will have bubbles after eating something with fat in it like french fries. It will also look funny after eating scrambled eggs. The key for me is if it stays that way. I don't worry because it always goes back to normal. What is your bird eating? I would give the bird nothing but pellets for a few days and see what comes out.


Worth a try before you spend $300.

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Usually I feed Lilo fruits viggies and some bread in the morning (with little cream cheese, which is probably bad but he loves any kind of cheese.) and through out the day, whatever we are eating..usually noodles some cooked meat with sauce. And he always have his pellet mixed seeds in his cage dish. I feed him water to drink and some orange juice or apple juice.


I have been trying to only feed him pellets/seed for almost 2 days now.. but its so hard, since whenever we are eating he flys over and snatch our food here and there...:\

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I would go easy on the fruit juices too. A little bit a couple of times a week if he is not getting fruits but if he is getting fruit a couple of times a week I would skip the juices. The cream cheese could very well be the problem.

I will stay tuned to see how the poop turns out after a few more days on the pellets. Are you leaving off the juices during this time?


According to Harrison's. Their diet should consist mostly of the pellets and only about 10% percent other stuff. That other stuff can add up quickly.


I give Whisper only her Harrison's pellets in her cage during the day and other stuff in the evening when I get home. The other stuff consists of a veggie,a nut and a couple of other fruity pellets, some chicken or pasta. Junk food like the french fry is only every now and then. Because we all have to indulge them occasionally.


I have to sneak around when I am having something that is not good for her.;)<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/06 12:04

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Thanks for clarifying what the vet reccomended. That is the ruler to make your judgement by. If he felt it was not required, then you Grey is fine.


The poop looks normal except for what I mentioned. However, evey birds poop is a little different and the important thing to always watch for are unusual changes.

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