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Is coffe bad for a grey?


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Hi all.


I wonder if anyone know if coffe is bad for a grey? The reasonI ask is coz my TAG Kiwi is totally nuts for coffe! As you all know, greys mostly put their beak down in the water/juice etc. Then lift her head and drink ehat they got. But when Kiwi gets some coffe I LITTERARLY have to lift her away!!! She use to snarl at me to coz she is detemin to have more! She ones landed on my left hand while I read a mail. I didnt notice she started to drink she she got " a little" to much I guess and by god!!! She was so wild that night! LOL Well enough. Question: Is coffe bad for a grey?



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Hi Jimmy,


From everything I've read it's not good for them - although I have no idea why - I think there's another thread about this on the site, which might give you more information. On the other hand, I think that sometimes people are very cautious just because it's not known for sure - on the 'better safe than sorry' line of thought!



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Caffine isn't so much good for them. Your not "spossed" to give them coffee, pop, sugary juices.. but Meh I know a little coffee isn't going to kill Kiwi but you might want to switch off I should have told you this when you told me over yahoo!! Lol but I forgot. She get's wild most likely cause of the caffine maybe try some soda, I give Tj soda all the time just not that much, as a treat when I have some and he looves kool aid.

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Guest briansmum

brian got into my cup of tea this morning when i was opening the mail. i wouldn't have said what he did was drink, more like dip is tongue in it a few times. i'm not going to make a habit of letting him drink it i think he just liked the warm sweetness. dipping his tongue in a few times will not hurt him right?

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