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Prime Vitamin


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actually, she doesnt accept to eat anything expcet for seeds ...


i tried all the possible ways with her in the past 1 month and nothing seems to be working ..


she only nibbles from broccoli and celery that i hang right next to the food bowl, other than that she just throws aways the vegetables, fruits and pellets ...


so i thought i could add a little bit of this vitamin supplement in her water bowl until she starts to accept the different food i provide

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Have you tried wheat pasta or bread? Another good idea is to get some instant oatmeal (plain) and mix it with some baby food. I believe it was Judygram who recommended it. My bird is sooo picky about the temperature of her food, she really prefers everything to be heated.

Also in terms of vitamins, people on the forum have suggested Red Palm Oil because it is an integral part of a Grey's diet in the wild. There have been many posts on the board written about it. You should check it out.

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I do give my blue rumped parrots vitamins supplement until they have started eating pellets. Since pellets contain added vitamins and minerals there's no need to give vitamins supplement.


As for my Grey, she is still eating handfeeding formula and also pellets which contain added vitamins and minerals. So supplementation is not required. But I do give her a little bit calcium supplement 2X a week.

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