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Pre-baby jitters

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Hello all! I wasn't sure if this is the right place to put such a post...still getting the hang of the forum thing. Lol!


Anyway, our CAG won't be arriving for a while now (end of March), and I'm getting jittery. NO second thoughts whatsoever, just a little nervous. So many "what if" questions running through my head, and no way to answer any of them until Chimay gets here. I wonder, "will he be alright during the day while we're at work?" "what if we have problems bonding despite the best efforts at developing trust?" "what if I'm 'what if-ing' for no reason at all?" Lol...I prolly sound entirely too paranoid but can't help it. My boyf and I have a good timeline on the when's and what's (i.e. avian vet, cage selection, toy accumulation) but I think that the fact that our breeder is out of state it adds a bit of mystery to the arrival of our baby than what would be expected from a more local breeder. I am very confident in the breeder we've chosen to go with, but the fact that I can't see/touch/interact with him before he arrives in our home leaves me feeling out of control in a situation I want total control over.


Not sure what sort of responses/answers I'm looking for out of this post, I think I just needed to vent. Thanks to anyone reading!

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No need to be nervous, in fact you should try to get over that by the time the baby arrives or he/she will pick up on that.


You will find a lot of the answers to your questions if you just do a search and read thru some of the threads as a lot of the same questions have been asked before.


I am sure if you just take a little time and relax you will find that it will all work out and the baby will arrive and be just fine.

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Hi chimaysmommy, I am a new grey owner and now have had my baby grey for two months. I had no parrot experience just small birds. I hung around here for 2 months reading everything, answering posts and absorbing all the information I could. I also talked to my breeder weekly, she didn't mind and actually enjoyed it as much as me because she so loves her babies and was delighted I was so interested in hearing about and learning all I could from her about my baby bird. We still talk to each other. I also read a couple of books that are very interesting ALEX AND ME, by Irene Pepperberg and THE PARROT WHO OWNS ME, by Joanna Burger. So don't be nervous, just put your time to good use and learn all you can about African Greys, they are so worth the time and energy. My Ana Grey is a doll and I feel very confident about caring for her and she is a confident and independent grey because we are comfortable together. Everyone here is willing to help and that also gives me confidence; that if I do have a problem everyone here will try to help me with all their experience and knowledge. So ask any questions you have and read, read, read. Knowledge puts you in control.

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The fact that you are here, doing your research and learning all you can before your baby comes home- tells me that you will be a great mommy to your new grey. I know you are nervous but take this time to continue learning, and have some fun.

Take a trip to the dollar store and find some items to use to make a few toys for your little one! Make yourself a recipe book with ideas for things to cook for your bird. The time will go by eventually and you'll be so thrilled when you are united with your new baby grey!

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Thanks!! I've picked up a few books, and both myself and my boyf have been reading. Though he hasn't touched the birdie recipie book (I have a feeling that's b/c I'll be doing all of the cooking for any special treats and meals--lol).


The dollar store is a great idea! Thanks!

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chimaysmommy wrote:

...leaves me feeling out of control in a situation I want total control over.


I'm sorry, but I chucked at this statement because if anything, I feel out of control quote often with my birds. There's always something more to learn or do better or a new situation to address or behavior to assess. The good news is that this forum is the absolute best place to bounce ideas off and get a variety of opinions/suggestions (as you've been doing). (For medical issues always consult an avian vet though!)


You probably have learned a lot more than you realize and are very well-prepared to bring this little feathered baby into your lives. Spend this time making toys or even making up a batch of birdie mash/bread/muffins to put in the freezer for when he arrives. Your nervousness will pass, but is very understandable. Parrots are a big responsibility and a lot of work, but they are SOOOOOO worth every penny, every minute, every tear (yep, there may be some of those along the way). You're life will never be the same!


Though I did a ton of research prior to bringing our birds home, I completely underestimated the bond and connection you can have with a parrot. Completely. It's so much better than I ever would have believed. :)



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Hi just relax and use the time you have learn all you can about greys and their care. I was jittery before I got my grey,but doing the homework helps. I was more jittery about the care aspect because I knew a grey would be a massive commitment and I was prepared for that.My grey is fine when I am in work and gets lots of out of cage time when I am home and at weekends.I also have an outside aviery for him to spend time in when the weather is fine. You are obviousely taking grey ownership serious as you are posting hear and to me thats a great start.Just be aware that a pet any pet is for life and greys live a very long time. Are you prepared to keep the grey through many life changes,marrage children home moves job changes,if the answer is yes to all of these thats brilliant.

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Thank you guys for all of the reassurance...


This is really very exciting for both myself and my BF. He is very allergic to cats/dogs/anything with fur. Fortunately after a series of visits to petshops and such to let him handle birds, we were confident in his lack of reaction and committed to getting Chimay. Before we moved in together, I gave my two beloved kitties up for adoption. That was the most heart wrenching decision I've had to make, and even though I miss them every day I know I made the right decision.


For him, this is very exciting b/c it's something he thought he could never have because of the severity of his allergies (particularly to cats). As for me, I had just came to terms with the fact that pets just weren't going to come into the picture again. So naturally we're both nervous, excited, and of course feeling a bit of impatience in the waiting. Lol!

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I remember the nerves we also had when we brought our first grey home. Our grey sat in the cage and looked at us and we stared at him and thought ok what happens now. My heart would drop everytime he took off trying to learn to fly in case he had an accident (which he did many times). He must have thought I was nuts because everyday I would closely inspect him to see if his feathers were alright, to see if everything looked normal. One little thing out of place and I would be worrying. Now I just think that it was all natural, sort of like a new mother who just wants evreything to be alright.


My bf is also allergic to dogs/cats and he has had no problems with the birds. The only thing he does have problems with is the dust, but we have an air filter that helps with that.


Good luck with Chimay.

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i work in the pet field, and feel lucky to work without the childish influence of commission. i generally try to talk anyone considering a pet out of it, telling them ALL the downsides of any companion animal they are considering first. for instance, i let people know that if they live in an apartment complex, and they bring home a sun conure, their neighbors would have them evicted because of the noise. if i'm successful discouraging the customer, then the pet/parent match up wasn't right, and therefor probably shouldn't have happened.


in the end, there is really only ONE reason good enough to bring ANY animal into the house, and that reason is, that u absolutely can't do without it. i'd say u fall into that category. i don't think anyone could talk u out of this with how excited u are. certainly doesn't seem like an impulse decision to me. also, u said you've been around a grey before, so u should already know what u are getting into to some degree.


so, being as u absolutely have made up your mind, do what u can to prepare for the baby, but don't stress about stuff u just can't prepare for. you'll do what u have to do in order to be the best family you can be for chimay. :P

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Hi, I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. I got my grey from an out of state breeder too, and I had all the same concerns you are having now! Everything worked out beautifully, though. My grey is now 7 months old and I treasure her! Like everyone here said, just read all you can about greys and ask any questions you may have. Everyone is so friendly here! I'm sure you'll find the information here to be helpful. Congratulations on the baby grey, you don't have much longer to wait!


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Hi i got my African grey Marley tuesday the 10th feb and just before i felt exactly the same way as you! I probably still do a little, wondering if im doing everything right and worrying that im not. But believe me it is definately worth it Marley seems very happy and he took to me straight away, i feed him lots of different things but his favourite so far is tangerine! I think it is completely natural to be nervous and they are alot of work, I don't think leaving your parrot to go to work will be a problem once he gets used to you going, just spend lots of time with him when you can! i have to work odd shifts and I find Marley likes to sulk a little when I get back hes very quite but as soon as I get him out and play with him hes very hapy! good luck and most importantly enjoy your parrot because they are brilliant!

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