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I have a bird named Xanan and he is destroying my house. Help! I am at my wits end. He is also destroying his feathers by pulling them out. I love him, but now what? He tears up everything. He bites everyone, even me! :( He bites me and then say's, "I love you, you want more?" He is two and I have had him from an egg basically. He is getting increasingly destructive. Help!!!


You guys seem to be the experts, and that is why I am here.

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Hello Mary and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Xanan.


Boy you are really upset aren't you but you may be blowing this out of proportion. He won't literally destroy your house, chew it up a bit but he does need some other things to chew on, some toys and pieces of wood to destroy for that is natural for them to chew.


He is chewing on his feathers for another reason, maybe boredom but he really should be checked out by an avian vet to make sure there is not a physical reason for the feather chewing, if not then it is behavioral.


He is not old enough to be mature but that doesn't mean that hormones aren't starting to stir inside him and that could account for his behavior of biting everyone. What kind of reactions does he get when he does this? Sometimes the reactions he gets will only make them do this more, they don't really care what the reaction is but it is like a game to them, they will keep doing it for the entertainment it provides.


I am not an expert but we do have some members here with lots of experience with greys and maybe they will chime in with their opinions and ideas for you.


In the meantime read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictues of Xanan you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Welcome mary__bird!!


It's nice having you here, even under the distress you are obviously going through with your Grey.


It seems you have entered the terrible two's and your Grey is definitely showing it's drive to have some independence very strongly. I would suspect this has been becoming more pronounced over the last 4 to 6 months and did not just "Pop-up" overnight.


As Judy suggested, a vet visit would be a good idea, just to rule out any underlying health issues.


When your Grey bites you or someone else, what do you do? Most find it very effective to say "No Bite!" sternly and put the bird back in the cage for a time out for a while and leave the room.


The feather plucking could be a few things and the vet visit will rule out any medical issues that may exist. Boredom could also cause it as well.


The more information you can provide us would help greatly. But, please do get a vet visit scheduled. :-)

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Hi Mary, sounds like you and Xanan are not on the same page. As Dan and Judy have suggested it could be physical and only a vet can rule that out. Can you tell us a little more about him. Obviously he comes out of his cage but what else can you tell us about his routine, his toys, his diet. How often you bathe him. His feather pulling can be related to many things so if you could give a little more detail, perhaps our more experienced members can help. When was the last time Xanan was at an avian vet. Don't get discouraged, just fill us in as best you can. If you have any pictures of Zanan, we would love to see him.

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Hi Mary, welcome here! Sounds like you are having a time with Xanan. My TAG began going through a very trying time for me right before he turned two and for a little while after. It is normal for them to be a little more out of control during this time. Think of your bird as going through a phase like a teenager. You need to provide gentle guidance, lots of love and patience. You will get through this and things will get better given a little time. Try providing Xanan with things he can destroy- some people like to give their greys phone books to tear up. When he goes somewhere he shouldn't to chew on your furniture or whatever, return him to his place and keep doing this. When he bites, give him a dirty look, tell him "no bite" and return him right away to his cage for a short time-out. These methods should help a little and the love and patience should do the rest! Good luck with your little one.

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